
DoesGuantanamo bay Cuba belong to US? or whats the deal?? I am just curious?

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DoesGuantanamo bay Cuba belong to US? or whats the deal?? I am just curious?




  1. It is considered Cuban territory under lease to the US.  The US pays Cuba rent though they never cash the check.

  2. It all goes back to the Cuban war of independence (from Spain) and the Spanish-American War.

    The Cubans had almost defeated the Spanish, when the US got involved, and took the credit for "freeing" Cuba. The US then wrote a new constitution for Cuba, which included a provision allowing the US to place military bases in Cuba. (The Platt Amendment).

    Legally, the US has a lease of the site of its base at Guantanamo Bay.

  3. Yes, it's been there since before Castro took over in 1958. Here's a history link to help:

    Sorry about the pop ups!

  4. No.

    However, the US has a Naval base in Guantanamo Bay.  As a military base, it is considered American territory.  

    A lease was established in a 1903 between the two governments.  Although, the current Cuban government feels the US has an illegal occupation of the territory.

  5. It has been there as a Navy Coaling Station ever since the U.S. Won it during the Spanish-American war.  Cuba won it's independence from the U.S. but the U.S. reserved that section known as Guantanamo Bay as it's own.

    You DO know that Cuba was a Territory of the U.S. for about 40 years, I assume.

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