
Doesa anybody else find this amazing? its my friend shes amazing rider, aspiring for the olympics.. PIC?

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  1. that is really cool. did she make that horse do that or did he just do it by himself?

  2. that's funny, i'm sure there's a picture VERY similar to this on the internet.  

    someone who made their horse rear up wouldn't get anywhere near the olympics, in fact, she'd probably get kicked out or disqualified.

  3. Uh no. It just looks dangerous and stupid.

    Also seeing as the professional showjumpers only jump 1.7m then it would be rather pointless for her to do 1.8.

    Come on if you are going to make up a stupid lie at least make sure the facts add up.

  4. that is cool that she doesnt fall on her butt. i mean even with holding onto the neck like she does, i would fall.

    its not exactly good to teach a horse to rear, but im not her mom/trainer. so i cant say anything.. but that is really cool


    i wasnt paying attention to her, but now that i look at it again, she's in flip flops and no helmet? thats crazy! and very dangerous and wont get her to the olympics

  5. Amazing?  No!

    Careless, dangerous & stupid?  Yes!

    Olympic riders are none of those things.

  6. No, I don't find that amazing.

    Just because she can hang on to a horses neck does not make her an amazing rider.  If at 16 she is competing and winning in the Young Riders Championships.. then she would be an amazing rider and an Olympic hopeful.

  7. Umm it makes her an extreme idiot daredevil. come on now no helmet and flip flops. Those are really gonna help if you fall.

    No the olympics arent looking for a horse rearing they are looking for skill. Sure your friend has the skills to stay on the horse, but it is really dangerous and only used to show off to others.


  8. that horse is GORGEOUS!

    she is one lucky girl to have one that nice!

    what kind of horse is it?

  9. Yea, that is pretty cool. Im sure she practiced it a lot!

    BUT: I have to add, she's wearing flip-flops and without a helmet. If she wants to end up in the hospital paralyzed or with something broken, sheisn;t going to make the Olympics. She should be more serious around horses.

    ALSO: Being a good rider doesn;t mean to show off, and this wont get her anywhere near the Olympics. Being good  doesn;t mean being Olympic Good.

  10. If she could do that horizontally rather than vertically and dressed in a more horsewoman like manner, as one would expect from an Olympic hopeful, then I might be "impressed" and "amazed".

    Great looking horse though.


    sorry to correct you would be "She WON , ONE Ribbon"...:-)

  11. Its great that she's aspiring for the olympics! After all, dream big! (although I'm sure most serious riders dream about the olympics too)

    However, rearing is not something they look for in the olympics- and if they did, the riders would be required to wear the proper clothing attire.

    I know your probably going to tell us to take a chill pill- but you really can't. I remember countless times when I predicted what the horse was going to do or predicted that nothing was going to go wrong (something almost always will!)- rule number 1. never ever predict anything with a live animal- especially one so big as a horse, you will almost always be wrong! I have heard many stories of "the sweetest/calmest horse ran off with a rider" etc.

    She probably is a good rider (she's not the only one!) but flip flops and helmetless on a rearing horse does not show an experienced rider. I would never ever get on a horse without a helmet, let alone one who I want to rear.

    Gorgeous horse by the way!


  13. What I'm about to say has already been said, but to me this isn't impressive in the least.

    No helmet

    No proper footwear

    No proper pants

    Nothing on the horse to gain proper control should she need it

    Making the horse rear is just dumb.  Too many things could go wrong and when it does, she's not very protected

    So I don't care if she IS a good rider, this is stupid.  I could do this too but I never would.  There's just no point.

  14. No. I find it stupid and irresponsible, consider the fact that rearing is one of the most dangerous habits a horse can pick up(capable of killing itself and the rider), so you teach the horse to do it and then reward it? That's just asking for something bad to happen. What if you have to sell the horse? Someone presses the wrong button, horsey stands on back legs thinking he's going to get a cookie for it.

    1.80 meters, huh? Courses too, I'm betting. Despite the fact that an average GP course MAY have a taller 5'6 thrown in for good measure-I'd imagine the course designer takes into account the amount of prestige the competition has. You're talking 5'10-which is an odd height to begin with(the 12" in one foot is split into quarters, thus, increasing in increments of 3")

    Lol. Just. Why?

  15. omg i wish i could do that!!! shes awesome!


  16. I don't find that in the slightest bit amazing. When you've been put into a spinal brace because a horse who was taught to rear on command pinned you against a wall before falling over on top of you, then pictures like this just make you realise how naive other people can be. I also find it hard to believe that anyone who has supposedly qualified for the Russian Nationals would be stupid enough to get on a horse in flip flops and without a riding hat. I bet she hasn't heard the doctor say "You're lucky you wore your riding hat, because otherwise you'd be in the morgue" after a cross country fall has she?

    I doubt that I am only one who has taken crashing falls and has their hat to thank for the fact that they are still alive.

    So no, I find it stupid and irresponsible, and by posting it on the internet it is encouraging naive beginners to think that riding without a hat is cool. It isn't, it's stupid.  


  18. Thats ace-ish.  Can i just point out that she needs to wear more appropriate clothes ie. NOT flip-flops and DEFINATELY a riding hat.  Thats if she wants to even LIVE until the next olympics.

    There is no need to show off and that doesn't look like olympic standard riding to me.


  19. thats beautiful!

  20. That is amazingly foolish!!! No helmet, metal rail right behind her. Yikes, yikes, and another double-yikes!!! Is she looking for permanent brain damage or a spinal injury? Never seen anyone in the Olympics with those injuries. Just last week, the trainer at my barn had a horse flip while rearing. Trainer got off and the mare spun in that direction at the last minute while up in the air, landed on top of him. Because they were so close to the rail and it's wooden, the mare got cast while the trainer was pretty much crushed under her as she thrashed about. He's going to be hurting from that for a very long time and the fact that he isn't dead right now is nothing short of a miracle. If you're really a true friend, tell her it's great to have talent: "Use it for good, don't be foolish, reckless, or irresponsible, so that you can actually grow up to be a headliner."

  21. OMG like WOW.

    I heard they were going to update the Olympics but no one mentioned fancy dress rearing was going to be one of the events.............

    Hope she has insurance

  22. ummmm well no the picture isn't amazing.

    rearing is NOT a cool trick no madder what people think, it is a dangerous bad habit to let a horse get into if its "on cue" or not. It takes one time that she gets the littlest bit off balance that that horse is going to go crashing over on her. And also what happens if someone else rides that horse and it rears and goes over on them? what then?

    oh right its not a cute trick then, all of a sudden its horsey's fault and shes not going to be the one to blame.

    Or what if he rear's in hand while someone is leading him? and they get kicked in the head? I've seen the damage a 13 hand pony can do to someone's head, and the girl who got kicked was 5ft 8in (and actually ended up being very lucky). she had a combination of stitches and staples holding the gash in her head closed.

    Yep not cute.

    And bleaching blood off the floor isn't at all fun.

  23. Not amazing! Dangerous! A rearing horse is a very dangerous thing and is in no way cool or neat! My friends mare reared up one time, fell over on top of my friend and crushed her pelvis! She is lucky that she can still walk and she has not been on her horse since then.  Gosh, I wish people would use their brains!

  24. ....?

    And exactly how does this photo make her an amazing rider?  If that horse flips over, she's toast.  No shoes, no helmet.

    Not a good rider, in the least.

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