
Doesit hurt 2 have a baby and how bad

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i want a sum kids but how bad does it hurt and how can u prevent it




  1. you never know how bad it's going to hurt.

    depends on when you go in labor, how long you're in labor, or if you're induced. Or if you have a vaginal delivery with or without medication, perhaps you might have to have an episiotomy or you might have a c-section.

    There's a different feeling of pain for all of it. You can't explain it to someone.

  2. Erm... If you're asking the question, you're not ready for it.  Of course it hurts.... you're body goes through enormous change, not just during labour but throughout the pregnancy.  The baby's head is not much smaller than a bowling ball, and it has to come through a fairly small gap.  Having children is a wonderful thing once you're ready for it, but it really is as painful as movies show it to be.

    There is of course a very simple answer to how the pain can be prevented - don't get pregnant in the first place.

  3. Sweetie, it is called Labor for a reason and Men don't do it because it is emotionally exhausting, physically exhausting and can be very painful.  the Average size of a baby is around 7 pounds and only about 20 inches long so do the math and know where it comes from, that is not all you will have to have or learn patience because babies CRY some more than others and some of the things that comes out of their bottom scares grown men to squealing like a girl.  Not to mention if you have a boy there is a circumcision you might have to worry about.

    OH don't forget the belly button takes a while before it is considered cute.

  4. i can tell you that labor itself like the contractions hurt way more than the actual birth. good luck

  5. It depends.  Most women haven't been prepared on how to deal with the pain, so they end up opting for the epidural.  Most women who have midwifes, doulas, or have been trained in various natural methods on dealing with the pain usually make it through without any medication.  I do know a few moms who just didn't find it all that painful, so didn't have any intervention but I think that is rare.

    So it depends on the woman, but I think every woman would tell you that the end result is worth any pain in the world.

  6. It will hurt in the long run if you can't spell. If you can't spell or use correct grammar, you won't be able to help your child with homework.

    Try this:

    I am thinking about having children. How bad does it hurt, and how can I prevent pain?

  7. IT HURTS, i didnt want the epideral until i couldnt stand it anymore, and when i couldnt stand the pain, i asked for the epideral, and all nurses were busy for a HOUR, i wont make that mistake again lol

  8. You can't prevent the pain of childbirth other than not getting pregnant.

  9. Mind over matter.  If your focus is on the pain, then you will feel more.  If your focus is on giving birth to your offspring, the pain is still there but your focus becomes giving birth to a healthy child.  Of course many of us do not have a high tolerance for pain.  Everyone have different experiences. I don't think this is a question to be asked to get information, but to simply just hear stories.

  10. getting an epidural helps a lot, all I felt was pressure from it.

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