
Doesn't 1=0.9999 forever?

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Because 1 divided by 3 equals 0.3333 forever, and 0.999 forever divided by 3 equals 0.333333 forever also. If you disagree go to collage and get a math major, and give a good explanation why.




  1. yes it does. why? some people aren't smart.

  2. This is not quite so obvious as you think.  When you were taught long division, you will have used terminating decimals.  To write 0.99999.../3=0.333333... is actually very different to a mathematician, because we define 0.99999... (and other recurring decimals) in a very different way: when we write 0.5, we are using the point as a shorthand to mean 5/10.  When we write 0.9999..., what the shorthand actually means is lim_{N->inf} sum_{n=1}^{n=N}9*10^-n, which reads "the limit as N tends to infinity of the sum from n equals 1 to N of 9*10-n".  This is actually a rather more complicated idea, but we can show using elementary methods that this limit does evaluate to 1 (monotonic bounded sum implies existence of limit, then use contradiction).

    Your explanation using 'division' is nice and intuitive, but is actually no more mathematically grounded than any argument showing that 1=/=0.999... (it just has the luck property of giving the right answer).  Actually, there is a bit more that luck to it, because you could probably develop your argument a bit in terms of redefining division to be a property of decimal limits and so on, but that is surprisingly hard to do well too.

    Conclusion: you are right, but you need university level maths to really argue the point properly.

  3. 1 = 1

    .99999 = .99999

    that's your answer

    no math major required

  4. Yes, this is correct.

    The simplest way of showing this is simply noting that there are no real numbers between 0.999~ and 1, and consequently, the two cannot be different real numbers.

    0.999~ I sometimes used due to rounding errors, especially with computer software.

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