
Doesn't Karma come back and bite you if you CAUSED whatever?

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to happen??? How does that work??




  1. Its more like people use the word "karma" to describe the way that people who do foul sh*t to others and think they can get away with it are likely to do it again and just like gambling their luck WILL run out. Its more like the statistical effects of your morality. d**n i sound like a nerd.

  2. I dont believe in karma, but the main point is to do good things, and good things will happen to you. And if you do bad things, bad things happen to  

  3. Let's say you have good working relations with your superiors. It makes you cocky and you've alienated yourself with your colleagues. Most of them will hold a grudge against you, but do not have the proper means to take revenge yet. You've planted and watered the seeds of hatred in your karma. Now it only needs the right weather conditions to flower.

    Your superior is transfered. Here comes a new boss who doesn't seem to like you at first sight. Your colleagues finally get their chance at revenge. They stab you in the back with gossips, and finally you got fired. That's how karma works.

    There's also another "mythical" way on how karma work. If you deeply hurt the misfortune, the handicaped, the weak, the lonely, anyone who's heart is bitter and fill with sorrow. And if they realize that they have no way of EVER getting even, they will curse you. And that kind of curse is very strong.

    If you've done a lot of good deeds in your past, you're rich with  good karma. The bad you just did will cost you some good karma, but you will never get your comeuppance.

    But if your good karma and bad karma are just even, you WILL get your comeuppance very soon. Somehow you'll make wrong decisions, have accidents, and feel unlucky.

    Karma is real. Be nice to people.

  4. Karma is the seeds of our actions. You plant them by acting, and they grow according to how you react to them.

  5. Karma is the law of nature.  It is mentioned in one way or another in every religious text.  

    In the bible it says ye reap what ye sew.

    The Wicca law is whatever you di comes back to you three fold.

    And so on.

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