
Doesn't McCain's choice of Palin prove he's a Bush clone?

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It brings back memories of Bush choosing Harriet Meyers for the Supreme Court. Agree?




  1. No.  Where do you come up with that one?  

  2. to suggest that mccain is a clone of bush is laughable.  Obama says he's going to change washington but he has never voted for anything that isn't backed by his party.  mccain has.  palin has.  

  3. Totally forgot about that. Thought you were talking about getting oil money to buy the election.

  4. However its very frigtening to think she  could well become president.

    Chimpy McSame is 72, you know.

  5. Umm.... what?


  7. Obama is a clone of george zorros and a puppet of palousi

  8. Yes.

    Don't worry, Obama's gonna win.

    And when he wins..


  9. No not at all !   Completely the opposite!  In fact it now proves what a moron Obama is to leave Hillary out in the cold and not put her on the ticket after 18 MILLION people voted for her. Oh yeah......he is really listening to what people want.  NOT!

  10. Why is that? Because all women look the same to you? lol

    That's some of the most simple minded logic I've ever heard.

    And people wonder how democrats could vote for a no qualifications having bad policy loving crappy judgment owning loser of a candidate like Obama.

    Well ... At least That mystery is solved.

  11. Well you know women have a place in politics too, right?  I think it's a good call.

  12. No, it proves he can make a good decision once in a while. He finally earned my vote with this choice.

  13. I think it makes him worse than Bush.  

  14. No  similarity at all. McCain is not Bush, get some new material.  

  15. No.

    But Obama's choice of Biden proves he's against Change.

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