
Doesn't Obama remind you of a new pop-star?

by Guest61607  |  earlier

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He is made famous overnight by all the teenie boppers, But will be forgotton as soon as something new comes along.

He was a novelty and now he is showing his true colors, He can't keep up with all his promises and supposed changes he is going to make. Since his trip overseas to meet his terrorist friends, it seems he is on the backslide.




  1. Pop stars sing?  Obama is no musician.  Don't you mean a pop icon?

  2. He's a one hit wonder.

  3. U.S only hope

  4. I agree, but I always saw him for what he is. Empty heads mindlessly follow whatever is on television.

  5. To the contrary Ann, the more I see of him, the more impressed I am by his ideology, his intelligence and his abilities.

  6. Your question is rhetorical, but I'll answer any way . . . Yes, he does.

  7. no - popstarts usually remain famous for longer than he will

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