
Doesn't Palin, a two term Mayor and with 18 months as Gov have more executive experience than Obama and Biden?

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  1. Palin and her husband are not REAL people.  Her husband is in the oil business.  Hmmmm...interesting how that fits into the whole scheme of things.  

    She does NOT have the experience to run the country.  She was a mayor of a town of 8000!!  She only has one term as governor of Alaska!  It would be SCARY if she was in the white house.  

    I cannot believe how ignorant people can be.  It's the ignorant Republicans that we can blame for the last 8 years, haven't they learned ANYTHING?  

    Women for Obama 08

  2. One should not focus on total years sitting in some office.  Anyone can sit there and draw a paycheck.  Rather look at what the person has accomplished and against what obstacles.  Palin is a bulldog and went against the establishment in all her elections, she went against her own party, and got the job done.  Her approval ratings were significantly high.  She understands the complexities of keeping the environment intact while extracting valuable petroleum and gas.  Results count.

  3. I was feeling the same way.  I am so happy McCain made this choice.  Now, I will vote for McCain.

  4. Guess that means she has more 'executive experience' than McCain as well.

  5. Sarah Palin is brilliant and articulate and, in Alaska politics, is a breath of fresh air as an alternative to their corruption epitomized by Ted Stevens "Bridge to Nowhere", She Veto'd the "Bridge" Earmark.  Now Obama, who has spent two years preventing a woman from being president, has the ire of females.   Now McCain has vividly demonstrated the differences between he & Bush.  Sarah Palin is no d**k Cheney!

    She has stood up to the Special Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Big Oil companies.

    She wants to clean up Pork Barrel spending.  That alone qualifies her by my standards.  $Millions in farm subsidies are right now going to New York Penthouse executives that aren't even farmers, they own a vacant piece of land and claim they farm.  Outrageous Pork Govt. giveaways!  That's the Democratic corruption she will attack.

  6. and McCain. he doesnt have executive experience either

  7. Not only as Governor, but "life"!  She has more in her hip pocket than they do on the bottom of their shoes!

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