
Doesn't Palin have more experience running a government than both Biden and Obama?

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When exactly have they run a government?

Where's their executive experience?




  1. By those standards she has more experience than McCain too, as he is a senator.

  2. She has more experience being a leader and an executive, which is something I like in my President and VP.  Barack has not even run a small business.

  3. What government did she run?

    She is just a Republican ex-Miss Alaska runner-up, who is now governor of Alaska. And Im sure her OIL hubby had something to do with that.

    The only reason McCain chose her is because shes married to an oil man. And we all now how big of an issue that is in America.

  4. Yes she does. She is going to WIPE the floor with the plagiarist  

  5. I would say so, and I do not think she would pull the shenigans that nancy pelosi is doing!! as a woman!!

  6. No.  Whatever guy she runs a state with a total population of 150

  7. She is younger and less experienced than the first-term Illinois senator, and brings an ethical shadow to the ticket. Just 20 months ago, she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race.

  8. You bet she has.  Here are some of her qualifications:

    Governor Palin is a tough executive who has demonstrated during her time in office that she is ready to be president. She has brought Republicans and Democrats together within her Administration and has a record of delivering on the change and reform that we need in Washington.

    Governor Palin has challenged the influence of the big oil companies while fighting for the development of new energy resources. She leads a state that matters to every one of us -- Alaska has significant energy resources and she has been a leader in the fight to make America energy independent.

    In Alaska, Governor Palin challenged a corrupt system and passed a landmark ethics reform bill. She has actually used her veto and cut budgetary spending. She put a stop to the "bridge to nowhere" that would have cost taxpayers $400 million dollars.

    As the head of Alaska's National Guard and as the mother of a soldier herself, Governor Palin understands what it takes to lead our nation and she understands the importance of supporting our troops. Governor Palin has the record of reform and bipartisanship that others can only speak of. Her experience in shaking up the status quo is exactly what is needed in Washington today.

  9. But put it into context...there is 600,000 people in alaska.  Most of them are there on federal funds for a period of time, and then leave.  They are also one of the most fiscally irresponsible states in the Union.  Take that as you will...

  10. If I remember right a U.S. Senator trumps a state governor.

  11. Doozer-another great question from you & thanks for continuing the fight for our conservative cause!

    Yes....she has way more least more than Obama. I think it is hilarious that this pick has completely stolen any/all momentum and attention from Obama. They are terrified (no better word) of this pick.....absolutely terrified.

    Good on you, Doozer

    ***VINCE!!...hey where have you been? Have you stepped in the light yet and decided to vote for McCain??***

  12. And incidentally, more than McCain.

  13. Bush/Cheney had tons of executive experience.  Bush killed every company he ran and Cheney is still paying his buddies back for the gift of letting him be the CEO.  You want more of that?  You must be a billionaire owner of a war-machine corporation.  

    You don't have to be a great executive to be a Governor.  Most govs are elected with no prior business or political experience.  Arnold anyone?  

  14. I live in a city of a million plus folks. My mayor has more experience than Palin.

  15. amazingly yes more executive experience than both put together

  16. True.

  17. Yes. Combined. And she's FOUGHT corruption instead of participating in it like Obama and his pal Rezko.

  18. Yes she does.

  19. Are you kidding? The Alaska state government is funded entirely by the oil industry.

  20. This is the best Pick done ~!!!!!!!!! mccain/palin

  21. Where have you been?  Biden has been in the Senate for 32 years.  He sits on some very powerful committees.  

  22. No...

    And her BS in Communication Arts sheds little credibility, as well.

  23. yea. way to run alaska.that makes you ready to run the country.

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