
Doesn't Palin overshadow Obama AS WELL AS Biden?

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Couldn't Palin go head to head w/ Obama's message of CHANGE by herself....let alone McCain?

Palin has *actually* brought about it! She is a proven reformer. Obama is so far just an empty suit full of soaring rhetoric.

While Obama was busy campaigning from day one as a U.S. Senator, Palin was actually doing the job she was elected to do...

Obama looks like old news by now...

Is Obama cooked?




  1. Yes, and she is well spoken!! I admire that in a woman!  She doesn't say, "UH" after every word!

  2. Just yesterday nobody know who Sarah Palin is.

    One the very first day she has become known, she is already controversial with investigation of abuse of power levelled against her.

    McCain look like te headline news in National Enquirer. He has a right for bizarre decisions as private citizen, but this is our future at stake, so its safe to say McCain is the one cooked.

  3. NEVER.don't get your hopes up.john mccain my ***

  4. Obama can't hold a light to McCain and Palin.

  5. Yes. McCain made a really good decision in picking her. Obama's going down!!!!

  6. McCain isn't as inintelligent as some of you guys thought!

    Buh-bye Barry!

  7. Yes, i think this will also cut into obamas post convention bounce.

  8. No, Palin doesn't.  Obama was organizing community churches in Chicago before Palin went into public service, and Biden has been serving our country for almost as long as Palin has been alive.

  9. She does not, in my opinion.  It will be interesting to watch.

  10. Yes she does.  I'll answer your logical question, The obots are trying to control the YA board with namecalling.  I don't respond to them and soon they'll go back to skateboarding.

  11. Sarah is under investigation for "abuse of power," and doesn't even know what a Vice President does, let alone a President:


    Mike Allen

    Fri Aug 29, 11:22 AM ET

    Count Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as one of the most surprised that she was chosen as running mate for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

    In an interview just a month ago, she dissed the job, saying it didn’t seem “productive.”

    In fact, she said she didn’t know what the vice president does.

    Larry Kudlow of CNBC’s “Kudlow & Co.” asked her about the possibility of becoming McCain's ticket mate.

    Palin replied: “As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?

    Oh yes, she'll really shake up things as the Vice President.

  12. Only for a day or two.Until she is blown on oct 2nd in debates.

  13. Palin cooked Mccain !  Great pick for the Democrats to use to push Mccain down the toilet!  

  14. In the coming weeks as you watch this woman, just try to envision her as our president, because given McCain's age she will likely become just that if we elect McCain, and I don't think she's in any way ready for that.  We don't need someone who's been stuck in Alaska all of her life trying to solve the problems that our country faces at this point in history.  If she had any sense, she wouldn't have accepted the position in the first place.  

  15. He hasn't debated McCain yet and wont I think she can go head to head with them she was a great vp chocie

    McCain/Palin 2008

  16. Are you serious?  This idiotic choice has McCain's goose cooked.  I thought experience counted?  I guess not when you appoint someone who's job 20 months ago was mayor of Wasilla.  And, she's already under investigation in Alaska?  What a joke.  Obama has it in the bag now!!!    

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