
Doesn't Sarah Palin's challenges just prove that she totally understands today's societal problems?

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Seems like she is immersed in today's domestic challenges and difficulties more than anybody else in this election. He is living it, dude! Interestly, she is standing strong and preaching serioius reform and real change, not cloudy and vague labels. She has been walking the walk and taking names and kicking butts. I like that in her. She is not easily distracted by Liberal attacks, like a series on Page One of the NYT and CNN's "political team." Well, I expect a powerful backdraft on this firestorm from the Liberal media.




  1. The difference between someone like Palin and a "typical" American is that Palin as a fundamentalist does not believe in premarital s*x and has tried to stop the school system from teaching s*x education and tried to force the teaching of abstinence.

    The issue at hand is that if someone who has strong moral values would not accept a child having s*x with another child.  As a parent I would instill my strong values in my children that I understand their sexual curiosity, but life has so much to offer and it would be a shame not to wait until real love gained when someone becomes an adult and has experienced life - education, work, travel - all those great things that are open to all children.

    My walk and my talk is that this is unbelieveable.  As a parent, I wonder what is going on in that house and I would be reluctant to have my children be part of the Palins' children's lives.  My parents are liberals but they would have been hugely embarrassed and angry if this had happened to me.  I did the RIGHT thing by waiting until I met my husband and got married.  Did this liberal woman miss something about values in all this?

  2. Yes.  I think a woman who manages a career and a family understands better than anyone.

    I admire Sarah more each day.

  3. Think about it - she has a pregnant teenage daughter.  How many American families have or has this same thing going on?  She has a special needs child- How many American families have or has this going on?  

    Se will be able to relate to more Americans then the other VP.

  4. She's a working mother with a pregnant daughter and THAT qualifies her to have access to nuclear command codes if ever McCain is incapacitated?

    Uh... no.

  5. yes...and we will really see how much liberals are for women advancing in our society...or if you have to be the right kind of woman they only want to exceed...

  6. Yes,

    Shes not just a woman, but a person like us..

    Weve tried the well educated, the upper class..

    We forgot they truly think we are lower class...

    I think it would be true justice to put in a woman like this,

    You want Change?, think deep about this..

    This will be change !

    I promise you, you will never see someone in politics again like this..

    It willl be over..... A discussion topic on how never to get an average person  for a pick again !

    Someone like this, could never run on there own, its impossible...

    Mcains trying to hand you something,and you many of you cant see it !

    please just think about this!!!

    If someone like this could get a president elected, the average Joe or Joesephine has power ....

    And we will elect more Damned it !!!

    Sorry, a bit emotional...

  7. Totally....not.

    This wackjob is promoting teaching creationism in science class.

    She's so out of touch with her own family that she failed to drive home the dangers of premarital s*x.  So much for her other bad ideas of abstinence only s*x education!

    As for your "reform" claim, she snagged $27,000,000 in earmarks for a town of 9,000 people.  You call that sound fiscal policy?  You call that reform?  I call that pork.

    And if it squeals like a pig and stinks like a pig, then she's a pig.  I don't care if she's calm and collected, I don't care if you like what she "says."  What she's doing/done sucks.

  8. No

  9. Well that would make her part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    On a side your pic of a dude or a chick?  Looks like a chick...but your name is Larry?

  10. No. I don't think she thinks too deeply about anything

  11. You say "she has been walking the walk" I say she says one thing in her political speak and practices other things in her life ... I call that hypocrisy eh?

    She home-schooled her children (to keep them away from "s*x and drugs and that what she considers just a  theory of evolution) and she has total myopic, conservative "values" on sexuality, access to birth control etc., all these things run contrary to a pregnant unwed teenage daughter and since she is running for vp she is totally fair game for people to scrutinize her contradictions... why is that so hard to grasp?

  12. yeah,just wait till this convention gets going.the liberals will be called to task.this c**p is unbelievable.and then they don't want anyone to question obamas past.guess what.they will.national media will have to air it.

  13. You have GOT to be kidding me.

    Just because someone is thrust into today's societal problems, doesn't mean she understands them or knows how to react to them.

    In trying to help her Sister who's going through a divorce, she 'may' have abused her power (given to her by the people of Alaska) to try and get that ex-husband fired.   (That doesn't mean she understands the issues).

    In trying to support Pro-Life and push for creationism taught in schools, and pushing abstinence (and against s*x education), she finds her 17 year old daughter pregnant (who probably got pregnant when she was 16 - I haven't found her true birth date yet).

    She is for the legalization of marijuana in Alaska. But yet, drugs are a major problem facing our American youth.

    Like I said, just because she's in the midst of these problems doesn't mean she understands them, or knows how to properly deal with and resolve these issues.

  14. Sure, she has a family so she must understand everything about social issues. She lives close to Russia, so she must know everything about foreign relations. She hired one of Jack Abramoff's lobbyists, so she must know everything about Washington politics.

    If only someone would explain to her what the day to day responsibilities of the VP are, I might feel secure.

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