
Doesn't anybody care about the people in Miss. Alabama, and Florida with Hurricane Gustav?

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All the major news coverage and all the resources are focused in New Orleans.

What about the people living in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and even Texas?

Do these people mean nothing?




  1. gov. is definitely biased not racist. it's the poor they don't care about, u know "the working man" the people who TRULY make this country work. its all about money

  2. Most of the people don't give a d**n.

  3. If anyone pays attention to those others ALONG with New Orleans then you will hear nothing but how the government is racist.  let it go

  4. New Orleans is BELOW SEA LEVEL. That is a massive problem. New Orleans is surrounded by water sources above it and the levies are the only thing keeping the city from being flooded. If the city takes a direct strike from a Category 4 or 5 hurricane, New Orleans will functionally be wiped off the map. Katrina was just a category 3 hurricane that didn't hit the city directly, yet it caused massive damage. Gustav isn't strong enough to wipe New Orleans off the map, but it will likely cause major damage.

    So, yes, people care about those anywhere getting hit by this hurricane. When the storm surge hits other areas, it will cause major damage as well. But it will go back out to sea. Those areas won't be permanently flooded. If the levies fail, New Orleans will again flood. And it will take months to years to fix it. New Orleans still hasn't recovered from Katrina and that was several years ago. And if the city takes a direct hit from a hurricane stronger than Katrina, the damage may be so extensive that the city can never be rebuilt.  

  5. Is the same as with Katrina. Most (not all) of the media does not care about showing things as they really are, they are only interested in sensationalism, not what is really going on before their eyes. The ones that do try to show the real story get drowned out. The Mississippi Gulf Coast is where Katrina made landfall and the cities and towns there were totally devastated.  whole communities were reduced to matchstick not simply flooded as part of New Orleans was (not making light of that it was bad) .But the folk just rolled their sleeves up and got on and started helping each other.  They were to busy surviving to sit and scream to the media.  Race, colour, religion meant nothing.  Helping friends, familes and neighbours was their focus.  

    I have to say that the mayor of New Orleans has done well this time.  With Katrina he was so busy trying to score political point, he did not realise how bad things were for his city until it was to late.

    Follow WLOX from their website if you want to see what is happening to help and aid folk on Mississippi Gulf Coast.

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