
Doesn't anyone care about anyone else anymore? Or didn't we care in the first place?

by Guest56975  |  earlier

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What has happened to the world?

I feel like everyone is a robot too scared to stand up for what they KNOW is wrong.

Everyone says they aren't but when it comes down to it, even the little things count.

How many times have you been out at a restaurant or doing your shopping and you've seen a parent scold a child beyond what is acceptable, and you've just sat their and accepted it.

I feel a person would step in, a robot would sit back and let it go.

It isn't just the little things, how different would the world be if someone had stood up to people like Hitler early one, I mean really stood up to them and prevented them getting power.

I just read someones post about there concern because they are in Indonesia and there is so much anti-christian material being released and they are wondering whether it is wrong.

Where have the people gone who try to stop this?

When did people forget that one person could make a difference?

I am not ranting, this is a genuine question.

When did people become robots?




  1. Here in VA.the laws has changed for the worse we can't just step in and do something we got to call and report it then just maybe something will get done if we keep on calling and reporting it. Example my daughter was sexually abused about 7yrs ago now she is 16 it has not got to court yet. The laws was telling me to keep my child under locking key  (in words) she couldn't go outside to practice basketball because we both lived in the same  trailer park. I sold my mobile home and started renting the place we live at now. so I can't say people has stopped caring but I can say our goverment has stopped

  2. I know! I was on the tube the other day and these two really really old women got on, and it was really busy, you know when there is hardly any rooms to stand up. I had a seat so i got up to let one of these ladies sit down, and no-one, and there was a packed tube, no-one else got up to let the other one sit down. I just think that no-one can empathize anymore!

  3. i guess some have always been but its showing allot more


    but there is allot of nice and kind people


  4. i never did. i stand up for others. i stand up for me and what i believe is right. there was this onbe girl who got bullied back in hs and i never did anything. i felt bad but i didnt do anything. i was too chiken S**t to do anything. and now i stand up for people and what i believe in. i guess its my way of making it up to her.

    people will keep doing those things if no one tells them anything.sometime sit may take years, maybe decades but one has to stand up and never give up on what they think is right.

    unfortunately, that is the cause of wars and arguments and the cost of innocent peoples lifes.

    the world is both cruel and wonderful. its up to the people to decide what they want to do. eventually all the good will win, it was meant to.

  5. Oh the melodrama.  LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE!

  6. I stand up for what i believe in

    ive been shut up for it many times too

    im no robot

  7. Little children think that when they cover their eyes they are safe.


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