
Doesn't anyone feel guilty about reading Midnight Sun?

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I can't make myself not read it.. but i feel so bad! Stephenie obviously isn't too happy about letting us see it-- but im too curious with it sitting in front of me on her site!! Ughh.. and it's not gunna be published for awhile now =/




  1. I think anyone who read it feels bad, but nobody knew this was going to happen....

    Save Midnight Sun petition

  2. I didn't downloaded it so the temptation wasn't there! But now it's legal on her website...well i'm reading it right now! I don't mean to be mean but it's sssoooo addictive and good!

  3. Well . . . I feel sorry that I downloaded it when it wasn't meant to be downloaded. But I don't feel bad about reading it. Maybe if a few of us had decided not to download it, then it would have made the whole issue different.

  4. Well, I read it on her site, or what she had of it anyway, which is about 200 pages worth.  I have to say, I was kind of bored while reading it, so I just skimmed through.  I don't feel guilty, she put it up on her website.  I think she's just sad what with first all the bad reviews of breaking dawn, and now with the leak.  I have to admit, before Breaking Dawn I was really excited, but after reading I am kind of done with the Twilight saga.  I think it's become overrated.  I'm not going to sign the petition, because I think it's kind of pointless for her to finish it, half of it's free already.  If she did finish it, she should just post it up on her website.  I do wonder who leaked it though, she she knows who it is.   I would like to find out.

  5. Well even though she has posted it, i refuse to read it. I was one of the few that didnt look for the leak and so i still dont want to read it. Im going to wait for the real book to come out and if it doesnt then too bad. I just dont feel right about reading something she is so obviously upset about. Its wierd

  6. I said no, but them curiosity got the best of me. I'm trying to make up for it though, sign the petition on this link:

    I have a guilt free conscious now!

  7. I didnt read it i felt to guilty, and bad for SM.

  8. I feel guilty now that I just read the message on her Stephenie's website and she said she isn't going to finish the book.

    I suspected this would happen when I first heard about the leak. I mean it would be extremely hard to finish a book when half of it had been leaked on the internet and people are already commenting on it. I mean yeah, some people respected her and didn't read it, but that still doesn't stop the fact that 12 chapters of her unfinished book are out there! dang it!! i would LOVE to know who the a*****e was that violated her trust like that!!

  9. I didn't read it when it was posted originally, I thought it was fake.  Besides, half of what I've loved about Harry Potter and Twilight is the anticipation.  You wait for hours and your exhausted and then someone hands you this "perfect"(you know what I mean) heavy brick of...hours of entertainment and magic.

    I don't think I'll read what she posted on her sight.  She doesn't want us to see it, she's just admitting defeat the best way she can.

    I doubt she'll release the book now.

  10. NOPE i refuse to read it until its published. The only reason its on her site is because it leaked, if it didnt leak it wouldnt be there, i feel TERRIBLE for stephenie and i wont read a bit of midnight sun until it is a book, its tempting but i refuse to read it.

  11. I was never tempted to read it when it was illegal to and I'm still not now that its legal. It feels disloyal.

  12. no i feel great about it!! it made the story seem clearer, cannot wait for the book to come out though :))))

  13. im not gonna read it i dont want it to be good then have to wait forever for it all to come out  

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