
Doesn't anyone find that the Earth and life on it is absolutely amazing?

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I sometimes stop and think about how absolutely phenomenal the Earth is - the oceans, the mountains, the trees, grass, flowers - just the formation in general. Also, the huge variety of animals - from the tiniest ant to the largest whale. Isn't all so amazing? Isn't amazing how humans just work and click? How women and men just fit together perfectly, how we can reproduce, how we can talk, think and feel? I probably sound like I'm on crack to you guys but I just find it all so mind-boggling! Anyone agree?




  1. I have to agree with you. It's amazing that life could exist in the first place. Its very unlikely that life could have developed. Its very unlikely that life can renew itself. But it does. Isn't it strange that a man from one part of the world can mate with a woman from another part of the world and produce a healthy child? Even when the two people are separated by a few hundred generations. You might have to go back thousands of years to find a common ancester. Its very unlikely that a heart can beat and keep the blood flowing to the brain for 70 or more years. What keeps it beating? What power source? Its very unlikely that the Earth turns by itself. What keeps it turning? What keeps the Earth moving around the Sun? What makes the Earth tilt that causes the seasons? What causes just the right amount of oxygen that we need to breathe? Too many things that are unlikely just happen to work that makes life possible. This is the best argument for God that I know of. So I agree with you it's all so amazing just because it's so unlikely! I hope that you like my answer and that it is a help to you.

  2. I completely agree. If one takes into consideration anything consisting of the comes down to one word..."amazing".  Although, if one takes into consideration too much information, he or she will keep contemplating everything and just come down to not knowing anything at all. Oh, the wonders of life....:]

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