
Doesn't anyone guys speak English in NZ?

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So I'm at the gym working up my chest this afternoon and I ask this guy to spot for me... n.. he's from NZ... He's going to phone me tomorrow... but I'm not sure if he said:

a) is s*x OK for you, bro' ...

b) is six OK (I'm hoping he meant pm) ...

Should I ring him to clarify or just brace myself?




  1. im sure he said six lol and i don think he would of meant pm

    only aussie's say s*x instead of six not kiwi's

  2. i'd ring to clarify because there's a HUGE difference between six am and six pm.  that's what I'd be concerned about  lol

  3. just make sure you take a stick of butter with you.  and if it doesn't work out, call me!

  4. probably p.m.

    nothing happens in the morning hours really

  5. Hahaha!! lol! The problem of the Kiwi accent. He meant six I'm sure.

  6. Dude thats great, if you like him brace yourself if not just explain you mis understood him. How close did he stand to your head when he spotted you, did he invade your space. Did you lead him on? Was it a machine or free weights? lol

    Call me when imalcoholic2 has finished with you.


  7. I think he meant s*x a.m. That's after he has a bug swum in the pool, put on his jandals,  then gits hus fush and chups for brikfast.

    Said with tongue in cheek, I love my NZ buddies, no disrespect intended !


  9. I assume you are from oz!

    Hardy har har...the uccent us not thut bad bro!!! I would have more probs if someone asked me for  "seeks"  as the aussies say!!!!

    so in reply....its up to you what you reply

  10. Ah, he was asking about the s*x; polite manners, those Kiwis have, eh?  ;-)

  11. I,m sure he meant 'six'. The Kiwi accent is not 'heavy' or difficult to understand like the Aussie accent and they are very friendly.

  12. i have the same problem with canadians though we never have discussed international s*x...kansas being conservative and all that, y'know.

  13. LOLOLOL I'd brace myself!

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