
Doesn't anyone think it is suspicious that Gov Palin's daughter and husband have the same STD?

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It kind of speaks for itself doesn't it. I think we can all agree incest is wrong!




  1. I dont.....CAUSE I DID THEM BOTH!!!!!!

  2. How awful !!!

  3. Ewww...

  4. UHHHHHHHHHH SICK this is too much

  5. your kidding me!!!!

    i'm sure it's not incest, std's arre rampant up in Alaska

  6. OMG it was just on CNN.  This is sick

  7. And according to sarah, even when a pregnancy is from incest, the woman STILL should not have a choice about having an abortion. That, in itself, is scary.It's not the kind of leadership i'm looking for.

  8. I think I'm going to puke.

  9. I haven't heard that; and if so, its a tragedy.  The implication you're making is that father and daughter have had a sexual relationship.  Parental sexual abuse is rampant, and I would not wish it on anyone; not even a republican.  As a child of sexual abuse, I sincerely hope it's not true.  You should be careful about making statements like this; it could come back to haunt you.

  10. Keep up the hate talk. You're destroying your own party.

  11. what's your problem?

  12. delete this lie

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