
Doesn't forcing someone into drug rehab just creat an opportunity for them to make new drug connections?

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My friend was threatened with the option of going into drug rehab or jail.

Like jail, isn't drug rehab just exposing you to more unsavory characters?

The only reason he was sent to rehab was because he was drug-tested and they found weed in his system. I know some doctors/lawyers who smoke pot often.




  1. That is certainly a possibility, but it is far less likely to occur in a drug treatment facility than in jail or prison. The reason is simple. One is rehabilitative and the other is punitive.

  2. rehab would be much safer then jail

    "I know some doctors/lawyers who smoke pot often"

    so do celebrities and a variety of other people....why they don't all go to jail is a mystery...

  3. He's probably alot safer in rehab than he would be in prison.

  4. If you want to look at the negative, I supose.  But it also exposes him to a happier, healthier, DRUG FREE lifestyle!!  :@)

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