
Doesn't having bad eyesight affect your color vision.

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I was wondering if a person's eyesight is so bad, doesn't it affect the color vision of what you see. Sometimes it seems that colors are usually darker or they tend to run together. I can't say it is colorblindness because you are born with it. I am nearsighted and I have a bad astigmatism. I get headaches fairly often too. Can anybody explain what it is? is it due to rods and cones adjusting?




  1. No, bad eyesight doesn't affect your views on color.

    The reason the colors seem to blend together is because of the blurriness, it makes everything kinda blend together.

    Although if you think it's really bad you may have a little bit of color blindness (which isn't rare in males). The headaches could be an effect of not wearing your glasses/contacts all the time. If your vision is bad, the first few days you wear glasses you might get some headaches and if you don't wear them enough your eyes don't have time to adjust to seeing things so clear through your glasses so when you do wear them you will get headaches.

    Go to your local eye doctor and they should be able to get you some pretty good glasses for your astigmatism, and they're even coming out with contacts for it now too! Tell them about your problem with colors and see if they say anything about it.

  2. not necessarily.....Bad vison has nothing to with color vison....but bad eye sight can be considered a topic under bad vision....I hope that made sense

  3. NO! The colors may tend to run together in uncorrected vision but the tone and vibrance would be the same.

  4. When you have poor eyesight, typical nothing is wrong with the optic nerver of your rods and cones (what detects light and color).  

    Rather, poor eyesight is usually caused by a mishaping of the eyeball itself or poor lense muscles.  Since lenses work by focusing the image on the retina, a poorly focused image will not allow the full image or "light" of the image to impact.

  5. absolutely not.  Being able to focus is mutually exclusive from the issue of being able to see shades of colour.  

    I had strong astigmatism, wore glasses all the time, then switched to contact lenses, then had laser eye surgery, and occasionally use reading glasses now, so I've been through it all !  My career is partly dependent on colour and shades perception, and never was colour blind at all.  I agree that when you can't focus, then edges and therefore also colours do get blurred, but your ability to distinguish colours is still a separate ability.  If you have a wrong prescription, or the effects of the lenses concentrating or unconcentrating light, that could contribute to headaches.  IF you have glasses, your prescription needs can change partly because of the effect of those glasses (near-sighted glasses tend to shrink objects, far-sighted / reading glasses tend to expand objects).  Your Rx may have been right when you got it, but over time, you need stronger Rx.  With contacts, never needed to get any stronger Rx.

    A note from my experience,  contact lenses gave me the best vision for near and far, much better than even the best possible Rx for eyeglasses selected thoroughly carefully.  Contacts were just inconvenient for camping and naps on long trips.  If you have glasses, switch to contacts, and your vision will be much better.

  6. When you have Astigmatism--everything appears blurry without your glasses. This may manifest itself by colors being duller looking in appearance.

    Color Blindness, the inability to distinguish certain colors is totally separate from astimatism and nearsightedness.

    The headaches can be due to a variety of things. If you have pain in the back of your skull (occipital area) or behind your eyes---it is most likely due to eye strain.

    You should get an eye exam each year to determine whether you need stronger lenses.

  7. yes!!!! im not that blind but when i put on my glasses everything looks more bright! its so cool cuz i can't c and then wow!! so bright and beautiful

  8. You are right, your colour vision is normal, but your vision is out of focus with the glasses off.  Going without your glasses blurs things and makes the images of the objects overlap, so colours are diffused too.

    It is not considered colourblindness if your perception of colour is normal with glasses on.

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