
Doesn't it appear McCain was looking at the wrong Palin background check?

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She sounds more like Rosanne Barr than a Vice Presidential Candidate.




  1. I think that having a pregnant teenage daughter will win her a lot of supporters who are in similar situations, both from mothers, anti-abortion campaigners and from teen-mothers alike (those old enough to vote, anyway).

    It wasn't a mistake - it was a very clever political move if you look at the demographic that the Republicans are looking to harness.

  2. She is a liar and very dangerous and inexperienced and revengeful and is selling her UNDERAGE daughter down the tubes so she can look good for the polls. Sad..Get rid of the beehive please LOL

  3. You see how during the DNC repuplican people intelligently listened while at the RNC the democrat nut jobs can't help but destroy the city, attack cops, break stuff, on and on. Is this their way of saying "Hey America, vote democrat, we're more mature"

  4. Palin knew her situation better than McCain--she should have declined the nomination and "let sleeping dogs lie". Rose, my neighbor upstairs may have a point; however, Obama, despite her appeal to single moms, would probably "prefer that she run with McCain" is white and white is black!

  5. Dear Lardawg 5, McCain knew about this and decided to go ahead anyway. Why? Because it shows a real American family with real trials and tribulations. They pulled together and supported each other. They decided NOT to have an abortion. Of course as a mother it's so moving and heart breaking. But Sarah Palin and her family did the right thing and Americans will rally behind them.

    Sarah Palin is like me.

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