
Doesn't it bother you when...?

by  |  earlier

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You are speaking to somebody, and another person puts there two cents in to your conversation, when you weren't even talking to the? To me, somebody like that is nosy, and just wants to bud in. Regardless if they are just voicing their opinion, because people like that are simply know-it-all's, so, they're really not voicing there opinion, they just think it's there privledge to stick there nose where it doesn't belong. It makes me think like, if I want your opinion, I'll ask for it. The rerason for this question is because I'm trying to deal with this issue with a new employee where I work. She is always shtuping herself in when I'm not even talking to her or asking for her feedback. Don't you hate it when somebody does that?




  1. The problem is striking a fine balance between excluding someone from a conversation in a public place, and resenting it when they pitch in. The trick is not to respond when she chips in unecessarily, leaving a litttle silence to gently chide. But you should try to include her properly in conversations if you can, or remove yourself and your correspondent somewhere more private.

  2. Yes and usually that person also interrupts you several times in mid-sentence to put their two cents in.

  3. I am sorry. Yeah- its a little different if you are talking to that person directly- but when you aren't even talking to that other person that butts in, it can be very annoying.

    Maybe vent to someone in the office about it (without using her name or any harsh comments)- see if she butts in then. Or, just look at her when she pops around- and interupts- dont say anything just look at her-

    Just tell her "hey I'm just venting to so and so- not looking for advice right now, thanks." She won't do it again.

  4. Maybe she is trying to be your friend...geesh!

  5. HATE, is a strong word that is not of God!! love her as Christ Does!!!  and the way you would want to be loved and accepted!!

  6. Yes,I do,but alot of times that person don't realize how ignorant they really are,I know a few people like that,and it does get on my nerves.

  7. My dear you sound stressed about minor things calm down If you do'nt want uninvited people in your conversation do'nt talk in their presence wait until you and the person are alone.Sometimes outside advice is good to consider later.......Blessings Yahoo

  8. She is most likely Lonely and is seeking attention from someone friendly.  Be patient with people. Most of them are broken and sad inside and don't know how to express that they are in need and it comes out as being negative in some way.     Love as you have been Loved and do it freely.

    You will be Blessed !

    Jesus isn't just an example. He is new life inside you.

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