
Doesn't it just make you mad how many animal and homeless shelters there are in the u.s.?

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I mean we're all concerned about helping other people in poverty when we can't always help are own. Plus, it makes me so mad to see a bunch of animals in a kill shelter because their owners were not comitted to them.




  1. Not so much mad as very very sad.

    Sadder still the average homeless person in the US is a 6 yr old child.   In our own area average is 7 yr old.  Which means half the homeless ppl here are kids under 7.

  2. I have to agree that it makes me more sad than mad.  A lot of homeless shelters are actually closing their doors due to lack of funding, so more people have to sleep on the streets.  We need better education systems so that people can do better jobs.  We need jobs for those formerly incarcerated so that they can really have a chance at changing their lives, and housing that will accept them, while we're at it.  We need more affordable housing and safer neighborhoods.  We need to do more for the poor than just have shelters for them.  As for the animals, i agree somewhat, but they're not all there because their owners weren't committed, some are there because they were born to strays that were born to strays that were born to strays, so there was never an owner for them, they were just out on the streets.  also, sometimes people cant stay where pets are permitted, so they have to give up the pet to move somewhere to keep a roof over their children's heads.  As much as I love my cat, if I have to choose between him being out on the street, or me and my kids being out on the street, he's going to have to learn to hunt.

  3. Absolutely!! Curses on owners who drop their pets off at kill shelters!  How awful for those pets.  The people who put the animals down don't want to know their names, instead they use numbers, it makes it easier for the killers in the shelters.  Alot of people who lose their homes, leave their animals inside to starve to death!  Who can do that?

  4. yup it does.  I have rescued a total of 3 dogs from shelters now.  and we're spending WAY too much money in foreign countries at the expense of our own people.

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