
Doesn't it make you laugh when you see the jokes being proposed as future Labour Prime Ministers?

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Milliband, Johnson, Straw,Charles bloody Clarke (the man who can't shave and can't grow a beard), how about Hattie Jacques I say even though she's dead.

Do they seriously believe any of these wastes of space are up to running a whelk stall never mind the country?




  1. cant shave cant grow a beard ???  you just lost a good argument and a valid point by being silly

  2. Anything Labour is a joke these days!!!

  3. straw is a hypocrite...........however, he's probably the best of a bad bunch.

    and, as they are going to be the 'party in opposition' after the next election, it's not that important anyway

  4. Sadly for us the biggest joke has got the job now.

  5. If there is another change of leader there will have to be a general election.

  6. I quite agree with u regarding some of the proposed. Still who elected them!

    Maybe move away from party politics and get somebody that can just lead the country and make it successful. GB plc. There must be somebody that could do it.  

    I wonder if we got all the successful businessmen together to run it say Branson, Sugar, Dyson, and others I wonder what would happen.

  7. I think that the whole party and its policies are a disaster. Who leads it is irrelevant to me. In any event, I have never agreed with personalising policy around the leader. We don't have a Presidential system. The media started this with Thatcher.

    It's policies more than people, and it should be content rather than form, and substance over style.

    EDIT. I agree that Charles Clarke is an ugly scruffy git. Left wingers tend to have beards, stubble in his case, and that's enough for me.

  8. Clarke is still the man for the job and has been for the past twenty years.....Just in case anybody thinks I have have had a sudden rush of blood to the head, I should point out that I of course mean Ken Clarke.

  9. i am a woman, and yet  i say what about the women, they are a bunch of absolute no hopers, you left them out.

    Ken clarke would make a bloody good PM, so well done that man.

  10. The whole government is a joke i can't see any suitable candidates . New Labour is dead the magician( Blair)is gone so the spell has faded and people see them for what there really are a bunch of arrogant control freaks who want to tax us to we squeak. At long last the opposition have started to pull it together with a focused leader what is needed now is some solid policies but i can understand the Conservatives keeping them close to there chests Labour have a nasty habit of nicking them!

  11. Are the Tories any better? Cameron? BJ? Can't think of any others offhand.

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