
Doesn't it scare you that Sarah Palin, McCains VP pick, in a time of global environmental crisis...?

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doesn't even believe in global warming and that humankind can destroy it? If she does not then actively support carbon reducing/environmentally safe ways among businesses to limit global warming, what will become of our earth with such a woman? Also, she doesn't even believe in the theory of evolution either. She believes in the blind faith of creationism and basically blindely follows everything in the Bible as a fact. How can we have such a person in such a high office?




  1. It's frightening how people don't care for the enviroment.

  2. Help!!! Help!!! The sky is falling.

  3. You are right!  I send my son to school to learn SCIENCE!  If I want him to learn "creationism" I will send him to church...where he can make up his own mind on what's what.  I don't think that we can have her in office.  I hope they don't think that women will vote for her just because she doesn't have a p***s!  I believe global warming is real...and I don't believe in blindly following the bible..the koran...or any other religious based doctrine.  

  4. You mean she believes in the same things as our current president?  That IS scary.

  5. why don't you move to denmark if you are so upset

  6. what does her faith have to do with government we all know separation of church and state

  7. Doesn't bother me at all because irregardless of what she believes causes global warming, she does believe global warming is real

    You should  research her record before making dumb comments

    In September 2007, Palin exercised her authority as governor of Alaska to establish the Climate Change Sub-Cabinet, which is charged with developing a state climate change strategy, recommending policies to guide Alaska’s mitigation and adaptation efforts, and exploring ways to promote the development of renewable energy sources. And in May 2008, Palin signed a bill to spend $250 million over five years on renewable energy power plants that will run on solar, wind, hydroelectric and natural gas.

  8. GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL PEOPLE! there is only 1 man who can stop it and that is Obama!

    Obama will limit our main source of carbon, which is of course soda and other carbon filled drinks. If we stop drinking soda, there is a good possibility this world can be saved.

    Save the world, Save the U.S. Vote Obama 08!

  9. I really cannot believe that people refute evolution in this day and age.  I find it surreal that some people firmly believe we are all the descendants of two people who lived for over 900 years who roamed the Earth along the side of dinosaurs since they were created on the same day.

    As for AGW, it is an inconclusive science. There are alarmist on one side of the spectrum and skeptics at the other end of the spectrum.  I am not a specialist on GW, but I have ready many scientific studies from both camps.  I know people will disagree with me, but I really don't see a concern to drastically change our economy.  Even if the alarmists are correct, then we should focus our resources on acclimation rather than mitigation.

    EDIT:  I agree with you that we will eventually have to turn alternative sources of energy and relieve ourselves from foreign dependency, but I do not share your urgency.  

    The truth is that there is a lot of evidence for AGW (anthropogenic global warming), but there is also contradictory evidence and alternative theories.  I am just being honest by stating it is an inconclusive science.  Unfortunately, it has been politicized due to the alarmists rather than being hammered out.

    Even if it is real, then the argument still exist on whether GW can be benefical to humanity or will it be detrimental.  The last time we had a warming period, it was beneficial to humanity and caused a population increased since plants love CO2.

  10. Clearly, you disagree with her.

    That doesn't make you right.

  11. How can we not?  Look at the values most people have now days.  They don't hold their kids accountable for their actions.  Let alone themselves.  It's about time we got good, upstanding people as role models.  

    As for "global warming",  wake up.  There are 2 sides to this issue.  Some of us don't just follow blindly behind that fool Al Gore.  There are many respectable scientists that have proved him wrong.  

    Edit:  You are still young.  You need to open your mind and stop blindly following.  Think for yourself and do your own research.  I have looked at both sides of the environmental issue.  I have come to the tentative conclusion that the earth goes thru natural warming and cooling cycles.  In the 70s the media was saying "an ice age is coming".  So do your own research and draw your own conclusions.  Above all else, open your mind.

  12. Wow. That IS quite scary.

  13. I find your  faith in global warming every bit as factually dubious as any religious beliefs.  

  14. We can't

    Obama/Biden 08

  15. Maybe they U.N. can outlaw volcanic eruptions then the planet will be saved. We can even print up bumper stickers that say No More Eruptions!  If you buy into apocalyptic, man made global warming I guess  Sarah Palin is "scary". But then again people whose politics tilt to the left think all Republicans are scary every four years. I just don't get why liberals are afraid of people they disagree with.  

  16. Maybe the planet is heating up because of our position in space.

    The climate is not exactly static you know.

  17. Who cares.

  18. When it comes to the environment, she would be the least likely to support anything evironmentally friendly. Here are some quotes from a link.

    1. She wants to take Polar Bears off the endangered list

    2. She wants more timber, mining, drilling, & fishing

    3. She wants to open ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) for oil drilling

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