
Doesn't it seem a little forced for the father of Bristol's child to be at the RNC?

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How many 17 or 18 year olds are THAT concerned with the career choices of their girlfriend's parents? Levi, Bristol's boyfriend or not, would never have found it to the Convention if he hadn't knocked up Palin's daughter. I don't know if the Palins are going to force Bristol to marry or if she really wants to do it on her own, but it sure seems like the republican party is trying to make the union and pregnancy of those two kids seem more like a blessing than an honest mistake (and for those that are thinking it, I'm not saying that babies aren't blessings). Is anyone else tired of republicans trying to put their own spin on a classic tale of teenage pregnancy?




  1. No

  2. No.  At least she doesn't throw him under the bus like some Dem juinor senator running for prez.

  3. yeah, i'm sure they are holding a gun to his head and forcing him on the plane.

    pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze. in this camera crazy society, don't you think MOST teenagers would secretly LOVE to be famous. and whether or not, OR when they get really up to them. everyone is up in arms that she is making him get married.....PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE, i don't think you can make a young man do anything they don't want to do. if and when they get married is up to them. yes, it would be nice if they got married, but whatcha you want them to impeach her if they don't get married. no one is thinking these things except the lefties looking to make a case against her morals. but their talking in circles.

    oooooh, her daughters pregnant.

    oooooh, she isn't married.

    oooooh, she is going to *make* them get married.

    oooooh, where's the father?

    oooooh, you mean she is making him attend the convention.

    wow, what a witch. you lefties should get your torches and pitchforks ready!!!

    wow, your really cooking up a whole scenerio in your mind. she is going to withhold money if he doesn't come? why, wouldn't he want to be there. is it so unbelievable that he loves his gf and wants to be with her at this very exciting time and when his gf is being judged by 1/2 the US...maybe he wants to protect her and his child and show 1/2 the US that he is going to marry her and does in fact want to be a family. why am i reaching, but your scenerio is correct? and why does ANY of it matter. 1/2 of all marriages in  our society fail...theirs will have more difficulties because 1/2 of the US already expects theirs to fail...i will be praying for them.

  4. I feel bad for them having to be in the spotlight during a VERY difficult time because people are itching for votes and a political career

  5. They have all lost their minds.  Good grief.

  6. I agree with you completely.  

    The spin they are putting on this is sickening.  Instead of taking it on the chin like a man, they instead throw p**p at the Democrats about the pregnancy!  Like, we are mad because she didn't get an abortion.  Absolutely ridiculous.  They are trying to make it look bad on us instead of them.

    Where were these same people when Jamie Lynn Spears was pregnant and what did they say about her?  Only if you thought it was the most awesome gift ever!!!!!  can you have the right to say that Bristol Palin's pregnancy is in no way wrong.

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