
Doesn't it seem like Bush has lost his marbles lately?

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Doesn't it seem like Bush has lost his marbles lately?




  1. No.

  2. I've thought that for two or three years now. He makes statement that are often refuted by the media then defends things that are almost always wrong.

  3. he never had any !

  4. Ironically, issues, movements, and leaders who were excoriated during their time are vindicated by history.

  5. d**k Cheney is just hiding them until after

    he and Bush get out of office and _then_ they will have the Play offs!  And the winner will get to go to Irag for two years.

  6. I thought he was a dumbshit from the beginning...

  7. Lately?


  8. No, not lately.  It was a long time ago@

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