
Doesn't it seem that Bush & Mc Cain would just love to go to war with Russia? ?

by Guest61639  |  earlier

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Do they REALLY understand the situation?

Do you Americans think it's worth it?

Is the situation in Ossetia really in our sphere of interest?

Who's going to pay for it?




  1. and Democrats just love to BEG FOR MERCY and SURRENDER.

  2. No, and it only seems that way because you obviously do not understand the situation.

    They don't want war, but it would be dishonorable and, in the long term, dangerous to not take a stand against an imperialist Russia trying to re-establish hegemony over the lands they once enslaved.

    And it is especially troubling because the oil pipeline through Georgia is a source of oil for Europe that prevents Russia from trying to blackmail them with threats of cutting off oil.

    That would be bad.

    It's not about Ossetia, it's about preventing a rogue state from expanding its powers and possessions.

  3. doesn't matter if you loke it or not, in the end we will have no choice, regardless who is in office.

  4. THANK GOD we have the likes of you here to clear up our foreign interests! Please, tell me what's been happening in the recent NSA and CIA briefings. Do you have some aerial footage you could send me via e-mail so I can clarify what I think we should do?

    Since when have people like you suddenly decided that you know everything there is to know about political dealings between the US and Russia, lol. Please tell me you're Condi...

  5. Yes


    McCain -

    Obama -

    Bush "W" -

    Clinton -

    Carter -


  6. If you lived in this country you would know the answer to your question. No one in either party wants war. Go tend your goat herd.

  7. Here;s the deal.................Poland is part of NATO.  We have a signed agreement with Poland to go to war with ANYBODY that invades them.  Russia knows this.  So if Russia wants to threaten war because we install anti-missile batteries in Poland, does that mean we back down?  OF COURSE NOT.  

    The ball is in Russia's court.  This isn't about whether or not we WANT to go to war with Russia.  This is about whether or not Russians behaves themselves and knock off the nonsense.  We played the game of chicken with the USSR for over 50 years and they LOST.  It's time for them to quit flexing their muscles and to worry about improving their economy instead of trying to goat the United States into a fight that Russia can't afford.  

  8. They're both working hard to make it yes, it does seem so....

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