
Doesn't it show bias when the media is in an uproar over a pregnant teen, but did little for a g*y daughter?

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why does the media vilify Sarah over her pregnant daughter...but they didn't vilify Cheney over his g*y daughter...




  1. ??? I remember it quite differently than you do. There was a HUGE stink over Cheney and his g*y daughter.  

  2. I don't think either issue is pertinent to the campaign. They should both be left alone.

  3. Yes, CBS news this morning was interviewing a 17 year old from Decatur Illinois on there comparing her to Sarah Palins daughter,

  4. Because Palin's daughter made the choice to have unprotected s*x.

    Cheney's daughter was born g*y

    Big difference!  

    Palin has been in the press saying abstinence, yet she can't convince her own daughter.  

    I don't think the press has been mean or rude or disrespectful in anyway.  

    I can remember when Clinton first ran how mean and rude and horrible the press was over Chelsey Clinton's awkward calling a girl in her teens ugly.

    Also Obama has said that family is off limits....

  5. You know whatever you speak out against your kids are going to do.

    I think family should be off limits.  They are not making the calls for the country.  

    Palin took a pay cut.   Has any other official done that?

  6. no  one really knows this >> sarah. << that mccain picked. and he's  old just think  a young woman. with a  pg teen running our country. it could happen. oh i hope people really think about how to vote.

  7. I have to wonder if they would be attacking her if she had an abortion????

  8. Did Cheney speak out against g**s? Cause Palin preached abstinence over s*x education.

  9. Being g*y isn't the same as making a stupid mistake. Being g*y isn't the result of poor parenting....being a pregnant teenager is. How can we expect Sarah Palin to, in essence, "parent" our country when she can't even parent her child?

  10. They tried and it didn't work. The media was bringing up the fact that Cheny's daughter was g*y, then Kerry brought it up in the debates, and then Edwards brought it up in the debtaes. Americans got pissed off and were complaining of how inaapropriate it was and they backed off.

    This too is probably going to back fire. Dems and libs want to comaplin about how "tyranical" republicans and conservatives are, yet when one lest her daughter make her own choices she is to lax, doesn't raise her right, and is a poor mother.

    This has bad news written all over it. It should have been left alone and the daughter should have been left out of it.

    Yes it does show bias, and it also shows the double standard in America.

    Obama says his wife, who was out campaining and making stupid statements was off limits, but Palin's daughter, who as of yet has never made any comments about anything, is coming under heavy scrutiny and fierce attack.

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