
Doesn't it stop you answering a question when?

by  |  earlier

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someone asked a question and then adds, keep all your rude opinions to yourself! I just can't be bothered to answer these people!




  1. i just ignore it. it actually makes me want to answer it more, hoping they take my advice!!! lol the ones who say that are the ones that need the advice more than others, becuase they don't have an open mind. hee-hee

    how can you possibily get thumbs down for any of these answers???

  2. No. I just ignore that and answer the question.

  3. last night i posted a question about teenagers and depression and how people should take emo kids' depression more seriously. people answered with EVIL things such as they should just go kill themselves and leave the world alone. as a teen that suffered from depression and tried to kill myself, it was horrible to see people being so spiteful toward such a real problem.

    so i reposted the question in this section and at the end, i told them that if they are going to be rude and cruel, i didn't want to hear it. many people answered the question saying that they doubt the depression of emo kids, yet they said that they do sympathize with real depression in teens.

    i say all of this to say that it is possible for someone to give an opposing opinion to yours without being rude, and that is all posters are suggesting when they ask people to not make rude comments.

  4. It almost makes me want to give a rude response actually.  Othertimes I'm like you and just move on.

  5. What stops me is when there is one obvious answer but they tell you that they don't want to hear that.

  6. yes because i dont understand how they think asking a question on a social site like this wont get some rude people on it, i dont leave rude answers but it has happened to me!

  7. Don't you just LOVE being sensored by Y/A Questioners... "Hey, I'm asking for your opinion and or advice, BUT don't say anything I don't want to hear" What a BUNCH of Whiners!

  8. Sometimes it does.  Usually, people who say they don't want rude answers really mean that they don't want to hear anything other than their own opinion shot back at them.  If you disagree with them, they consider your answer rude.  I think it completely defeats the purpose of asking a question.  

  9. I am one of those people that says to not leave any rude comments.  This keeps people from being smart butts.  There isn't anything wrong with asking a question, no matter how silly it is, because it is important to learn from asking questions.  People like you don't have patience with people who really want to know stuff but don't want rude remarks.

  10. I hear that!  So true.

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