
Doesn't it suck not to be able to chew gum?

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I have spacers on right now their for i am not allowed to have gum what so ever. I get some of my spacers off wednesday when i get teeth pulled then the others next monday. I can have sugar free gum when i get my braces on. But don't you miss the good gum and being able to blow bubbles and all? What do you like to eat that is candy that subsides for gum?




  1. i could never live without gum!... i've had my brace on for 2 and 1/2 years now.. and early september.. im supposed to get them off.. but... i always chewed gum.. However, sometimes it does get stuck in your braces..but thats nothing a little brushing can't help.. and really there is no substitute for gum... lol  

  2. Just be happy you don't live in Singapore, where chewing gum is banned.  You think you're suffering?  What about all those people?

  3. i chewed gum w/ braces all the time and nothing happened...i don't think the sugarfree gum does anything, it's the really sticky stuff like taffy, certain types of caramel, etc that might pull/break something. orthodontists just say that to be careful.

  4. i totally agree, ive had my braces on for 1 1/2 years, and with my ortho, you are tequnically not suppose to chew any gum at all, but i do, cause i went a few months without it, and couldn't go any longer.

    I really miss bubble gum.  

  5. Ughh, spacers are annoying. wait til you get your braces and chew what ever gum you would like. nothing happens to your braces. I would wait, beacause spacers can be tricky.

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