The past four relationships i've been in, have all ended in me being used. Out of those four, two of them have tried coming back to me, where in both cases, i let them back in. Then . . . i got screwed over even worse again with both. My problem: being the nice guy. when i'm in a relationship i tend to get attached and when this happens i'd do anything to make sure my girl is happy; go see her at inconvenient times for me, but times that she was really upset at the world; go out of my way to stay original and keep the relationship interesting rather than boring; surprise her with gifts or special occasions; fight for her and hold strong to her; basically i would do anything for that one special girl. Out of those four relationships one stopped seeing me because she lost interest because there wasn't enough arguing in it to keep herself entertain, two went to complete morons that ended up breaking their heart . . . then came back to me (you know how that ended), and the other just recently went back to an old boyfriend that cheated on her and chooses weed over her. This girls name is dez and now she wants to be back in my life as a friend. i don't even know if i should do that. i know there are girls out there that arent like this but they all seem taken. What should i do? Do you think i should give this dez girl another chance or would that be wasting my time?