
Doesn't share any emotions, opinions?

by  |  earlier

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I need your opinions. Whenever I feel sad, angry, frustrated take your pick, I always seem to hide it with a smile. Is that a bad thing? .. Because once I am alone, I just totally let my emotions loose..When i'm around people I just smile, and act like everything is okay. Is that a problem? .. Should I just.. not hide how I feel?




  1. Sometime it is good to keep your feeling to yourself.  But you should not do that all the time.  It is not go for you or for your relationships.  If you do not tell your close friends what you are really thinking, how are they to know you.  At least find friends that you can share you feeling with.  You may not want to burst out, but later after you have given some though, tell them how you feel.  Keeping your feeling bottled up is also not good for your mental health.

  2. It sounds like you have a trust issue. What I mean is that you are afraid to let people around you know how you are really feeling because they might hurt you by making fun, telling you you're over reacting or whatever. So instead you pretend that everything is OK. This isn't healthy and you should address it. Maybe you can talk to a counselor at school or something, but don't just ignore it because it is obviously painful to you.

    My guess is that at some time in your life someone you really trusted hurt  you so badly emotionally

    that you don't want to experience that pain again at any cost. A good counselor can help you work through the problem.

  3. One of our main problems is that when we are giving vent to emotions we somewhat close down communications in a different sense. Other people start taking detours around things that cause you to vent those intense feelings.

    But also, inside ourselves, while we are venting strong feelings we are cutting off a number of paths that we need to think properly. So almost always it is best to do a lot of thinking about the matters we might be tempted to vent about. Usually we will think differently about those things a short time later. But at least we will not have poisoned a relationship with negative feelings.

  4. i'm in your situation at the moment too. it's not really a problem, it's just that you don't want to have people annoy you if you're okay and stuff. but it's better to express all your feelings out to a true friend who listen to every word from you and willing to let you wet her/his shoulder with your tears. true friends are the one who can pull you through hard times, always. trust me, i know this feeling.

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