
Doesn't taking his nomination acceptence to an outside stadium draws comparisons of Obama to Hitler?

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Doesn't taking his nomination acceptence to an outside stadium draws comparisons of Obama to Hitler?




  1. Sounds good to me.

  2. No.  As a matter of fact, this is the first time a nominee of either party has accepted the nomination of his party outside of the convention venue since JFK appeared at the L.A. Coliseum.  

  3. Yes.  It does.  

  4. Only if you are an idiot.  

  5. Sure, exactly. I don't know why the sheep can't see it.

  6. Give me a break, will ya? You guys would complain whether he gave his speech in a dirty toilet or the Taj Mahal, or anything in between.

    Of course, in the dirty toilet he'd have to compete with Larry Craig.

  7. don't forget the thousands of brain dead followers.

  8. Your blond hair draws comparisons to Hitler's ideal. What, do you dye it to look more Aryan? Wack-job.

  9. Who in their right mind would ever think Obama and Hitler were alike just because both spoke in outside stadiums? C'mon, you conservatives are just getting worse and worse ever since this election began, it's sad.

  10. Yeah great point dude. They're also both male, regurlary drove a car befrore and during their political career and both usually wear pants when going outside!

    The similarities are clearly undenaible.

  11. You sad, sorry people. Regardless of your views. History is about to be made. I'm so sorry you can't get past your pettiness and ignorance to enjoy it.

  12. Nope.

    Goodwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of n**i Analogies) is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:

        "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving n***s or Hitler approaches one."

  13. No but his speech in Germany where he talked about

    A CIVILIAN POLICE FORCE funded like our military does. Lets see civilian police force funded like our military ummm speech given in germany where they once had a Civilian Police force funded like the military called the GESTAPO


  14. You know, I'm pretty sure Hitler ate things at one point. McCain ate things at one point in his life too, so they must be the same!

    McCain was a war hero. Hitler was a war hero. McCain has a nose. Hitler has a nose. Obama has ears. Hitler had ears. Stalin had hair. Bush had hair.

    I guess we can draw comparisons between every single human being that's ever existed with your logic.

  15. No, nice try though....2.5 out of 5.  

  16. Yes, but that means nothing considering that you can make comparisons like that using other people and other situations.

    For instance, Martin Luther King had crowds much larger than Obama. Also Hitler's invasions of countries reminds me of George Bush invading Iraq for no good reason.

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