
Doesn't the RNC seem to be very "white"?

by Guest58728  |  earlier

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Doesn't the RNC seem to be very "white"?




  1. Oh yes, white, War, believe in god(or at least pretend too), family values (oops), and a huge dose of Hypocrisy

  2. I mean, if you want to get stereotypical, then yes.

    Conservatives are usually older, and yes, white.

    I have an answer for why this is, but i do not want to be rude to the democrats out there.

  3. White trash

  4. Not their fault that most minority voters vote for their former slave owners.  When ever they want a hand-up instead of a handout the RNC is always waiting to welcome them.

  5. Yes.

    Other than the 'hired help' and McCain's adopted daughter, there is virtually NO DIVERSITY in the crowd at the RNC.

    This is the exact opposite of the DNC last week.

    So, which convention is a better reflection of America?

  6. Funny.  Your avatar is pretty white.  Why are you trying to make this a race thing?  

    Here's a counter question:  Doesn't the Democratic Party look awfully Whiskey Tango???

  7. only on MSNBC

  8. Why does everyone ask why the RNC is so white when 90% of blacks are voting for Obama. How many are left to be at RNC?

  9. Yes, and quite geriatric, might I add.

  10. Did you watch is on ABC by chance?  Those people who run the media get to show you what they want. Scarey huh?

  11. Yes it does. Not surprising though.  

  12. Just like the DNC seems to be very DARK this year !!

  13. Well they could go around recruiting minorties telling them how much they will do for them  and nver do anything for minorities like the DNC do.

    Tell me when was the Democrats passed a law that helped the minorities?

    I besides Joe Biden's Judicail laws that are responsible for locking them all up in jail

  14. Is there some reason we should be ashamed of being white?  

  15. Yep.  Every now and then they will allow a few "tokens" to join to say controversial things that they can't say in public.

  16. The whitest I have ever seen it.  

  17. I was noticing that last night.  I kept flipping between Fox, CNN, MSNBC and CSpan and it was the same on all channels, overwhelmingly full of white people.

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