
Doesn't the pick of Palin predict certain doom for the Republican Party?

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Doesn't the pick of Palin predict certain doom for the Republican Party?




  1. they lost their minds thinking this beauty queen will bring Hillary's women in to their fold. trust me they are smarter than picking someone with her resume she is going to be impeached before she makes it to November after having her brother in law fired for his treatment of her sister.  

  2. Absolutely NOT  - rather, it shows the DOOM of the Dems.........hee hee hee........

  3. Quite the contrary. The conservative base has been absolutely energized by this pick.  

  4. No, it's the DNC's pick of Barry O. that will doom the democrats forever!

  5. Gustav don't like ugly

  6. i sure hope so. mccain's obvious  attempt to get the female vote should be a complete failure.

  7. For me, I was for Kay Bailey-Hutchenson if he was going to go with a woman.

    I first thought does McCain not want to win?  That was my initial thought.  Now I am rethinking that thought.  Time will tell.  One thing is for sure.  It will either be good or bad.  There will be no middle of the road on this one.

  8. I would think so. Just because he picked a woman doesn't mean it was a strategic choice. Now all or most Hillary supporters will vote Obama because Palin stands for the exact opposite of what Hillary stands for.

    It is an insult to women the choice that he made.

  9. It sure does !

  10. One can only hope that this version of the Republican party, wedge issues, borrow and spend, tax cut giveaways for the rich, war for oil, foot tapping in the men's room, etc is headed for extinction.

    When the real Republican party returns, fiscal conservatism and social moderation, count me in.  Until then, this party is a joke that I don't know or like.  

  11. No, Mccain will win, why?

    66% of Americans who condem the Iraq war and dont support Obama, then theres something really wrong with the american people.

    Imagine if a women was raped and she had to keep her child. How sick and cruel is that under Palin's Leadership.

    I think the election is rigged, pass it on.

  12. On the contrary, it shows there is new life & open minds still working in the Democratic party.

    I think Obama's pick of life-time politician Biden is closer to that for the Dems.

  13. No.

    The DNC and the Obama Movement SUPPRESSED THE VOTES OF CLINTON DELEGATES at the National Convention in Denver. On August 27th, 2008 the DNC and the Obama Movement maneuvered an undemocratic and underhanded voting script to ensure that Hillary Clinton’s pledged delegates (and the 18 million votes they represented) HAD NO VOTE. Entire state delegations were brow-beaten into voting Present or Passing their votes to other states. August 27, 2008 is a day that will live in infamy for the Democratic National Committee.

    No way, No how, NObama!!

  14. especially when it is released that Mccain is madly in love with her

  15. on the contrary it seals his victory

  16. it is a huge gamble and many feminist might be offended by mccain's pick.  


    OBAMA/BIDEN '08 !!!!!!

  18. NO...actually polls are saying McCain is looking better.

    cause NOW we got a PROVEN "REFORMER" coing in.and McCain is a Reformer himself. he bruise the republcian party quite a bit. because they were WRONG.

    and McCain and Pultin shall win this election..

  19. In my humble opinion, h**l yes !!!!!

  20. Not if they can get Bush to show them how he stole it. It not about the American people its about what the American people can do for them.  

  21. It spells doom for the Dems. The Republicans get an articulate, female stauch conservative,who has actually been a leader, on their ticket as the vice presidential candidate. The Dems have a six term plagiarizing, extremely liberal  senator who often speaks before he thinks as their VP candidate.  

  22. I wouldn't say "predict".

    Some ultra-conservative rednecks have taken over the Republicans.

    This party is already doomed.

  23. Decide in haste, repent at leisure?

    McCain is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Go Dems!

  24. No. It sews up the nomination.  

  25. All the talk about Palin will only build up her momentum. Remember these people don't care about facts like her flip-flop on the bridge to nowhere. Or her not knowing what the VP does. Or her mother scratching her head wondering why palin is VP. They only care about dumb stuff like the PTA, moosehunting, and striving dilligently to be a "hockey mom" (can't wait to see how well "hockey mom" plays in Texas. This is not Canada.) Yes it is doom for people with brains if they win and doom to their egos if they lose.

  26. The Palin Pick is the best thing that can happen to our country.  What a brilliant chess play McCain has made.  

    As a whole the state of Alaska, of which she is Governor has "a land mass larger than Texas, California and Montana combined. Alaska is a large state, 1/5 the size of all the other states together, reaching so far to the west that the International Date Line had to be bent to keep the state all in the same day. It's also the only U.S. state extending into the Eastern Hemisphere." So, my friend, whileObama apparently considers the city that she was mayor of small, Alaska is a large state.

    While Barack Obama has been working in his Senate office 143 days since he first took office in November of 2004, he has spent all of the other days running for president. That is Obama's experience. Yet, he has the audacity to accuse John McCain of selecting an inexperienced Vice President, Sarah Palin. As a woman, I am inflamed, especially since she has more executive experience, having managed a city and a state, than Obama & Biden both put together. Sarah Palin has 13 years of public service with an approval rating of 80 percent, not 9 percent like our Democratic Congress. She is the most popular Governor in the USA. Now, if you are among the 9 percent of Americans that think our Democratic Congress has done a great job, then Obama is the candidate for you. Trust me, you will definitely get more of the same. Palin started as President of the PTA. She went from that to Mayor of her city to Governor of her state.She put a stop to the bridge to nowhere that would have cost the United State's taxpayers $400 million dollars, saying if Alaska needed a bridge they would pay for it. One of the first things she did, after she took office as Alaska's Governor was to fire the chef, saying she could prepare the food for her family and then she put the Governor of Alaska's jet on ebay and sold it, putting the money obtained from its sale back into Alaska's piggy bank. Alaska is a state that matters to every American. It has the energy resources and she is the leader that supports drilling. Governor Palin has a real record, a record of incredible accomplishments, while Barack Obama has not managed to accomplish one thing while in office. Palin fought her own party to stop a corrupt system, while Barack stands back and never challenges the Chicago Machine. John McCain is a real man, who was not afraid to look past gender and select the best candidate for his Vice President. Together, they are the change that we can believe in, because it is change, real change, not empty words.  Obama talks the talk, but McCain/Palin will walk the walk for they have proven track records which clearly support this.  Just so you know, they are both mavericks. Palin has spent her time in office shaking up her government. She challenged a corrupt system and passed a landmark ethics reform bill That is only one of the many reasons why John McCain picked her as his teammate. They are both mavericks and together will shake up our government and fix what is broken in Washington.

  27. Today's Rassmussen poll analysis,

    There have been significant changes in perception of John McCain in the two days of polling since he named Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Since then, 49% of Republicans voice a Very Favorable opinion of McCain. That’s up six percentage points from 43% just before the announcement. Also, 64% of unaffiliated voters now give positive reviews to McCain, up ten points since naming his running mate.

    There has been little change in perceptions of Obama since his Thursday night speech and the Palin announcement (see trends and other recent demographic observations).

  28. Keep laughing.  November's coming

  29. No. Why would it, because we chose a woman to run with our candidate.

  30. i don't think it was the best choice...there are many other better qualified people to be the Rep vp candidate.....but hey, I'm voting Obama, what do I care?

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