
Doesn't the picture of Fred Thompson on ?

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look like he's about 10 seconds from an old-man incontinence accident?




  1. Why are you so mean.

    At least he does not look like obamas wife. now she is ugly.

  2. Looks like he's got Dems by the balls to me

    How's your sphincter doing

    Thompson ripped you libs a new one!

  3. I was waiting for the villagers to start chasing fred with torches!

  4. I'd say it's more likely it was Obama who was close to having an accident during Fred's speech.

  5. Doesnt your picture on Yahoo make you look like a bimbo?? Why dontdemocrats attack issues rather than appearance? Oh yeah cause you'll loss that arguement...

  6. It looks like he's yelling at a bunch of kids so they'll get off of his lawn.

  7. He and McCain have a lot in common, both have young blonde women half their age hand-picked from the trophy wives club.

  8. no, but obama looks like a black version of the guy on mad magazine.

    now go bleach your hair some more and stop posting my sisters picture.

  9. at least he doesn't spread it all over himself like you do. Left WIng idiot loon alert.

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