
Doesn't the theory of evoluction bind all atheists together?

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This question is not meant to offend, so please do not take it that way. I am simply curious.

I have been reading in several answers to questions in the R&S section that there is no one idea that binds all atheists together except for a lack of belief in any god.

But don't all atheists adhere to evolution? Some may view it as fact, others as a strong theory (kind of like some Christians view the bible as literal, others view it as a collection of parables), but overall, isn't evolution viewed by atheists as truth?

Please be respectful in your answers. If you use this as a forum to degrade or belittle any other groups beliefs, instead of discussing your own, I will report you.




  1. no i dont think all atheists do raising three duckings, same as not all christians beleive every word of the bible etc

    they are not just a group

    they are individual people with individual ideas and theorys and thoughts and knowledge and experiences, as are all groups, and each individual wont all end up to the same conclusions  as the next due to all these variables

    i think its safe to say a lot may, but not all

    i view it as the most probable liekly and logical answer, not the definite answer

    i live by it and view it as a 'truth' but i accept that there are things about it that may well be incorrect and that we humans do not know eveyrhting

    but as it stands, it is still most logical theory that fits

  2. There is no single version of evolution that is accepted by all atheists.  Some still say man evolved from apes while others say man and apes share a common ancestor.  Some also claim that all life evolved from something resembling algae while others dismiss that version of the story.

  3. No, atheists do not necessarily all believe in evolution.  However, as a practical matter, most atheists generally do agree with the theory, and I have never met an atheist that did not.  It is just not a requirement of atheism.

  4. It may be, but your causality is wrong. We don't believe evolution because we are atheist. We are atheist, therefore we have no stake in mythological creation fables. And so we have no conflict believing what evidence and science points to as the truth. The correlation is incidental.

    Also, many theists believe in evolution.  

  5. I would venture to say that MOST atheists accept evolution as truth due to the vast amounts of evidence in support of it.  I cannot, however, speak for all.

    But the thing about atheism is that it has no specific requirements other than the lack of belief in a deity.  So just because someone is an atheist doesn't mean they automatically adhere to everything science says.  (Though I still don't understand why anyone wouldn't)

  6. Evolution is a scientific theory based on the best explanation for the currently known facts. Many people of all faiths (Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Pagans, etc) and ideologies (Atheists, Agnostics, etc) in fact anyone who has taken basic biology classes in a public school has learned at least the basics of how we currently believe that life works.

    Atheists do not believe that a god created the universe; it just is.

    Theists ("believers") believe that the universe was created.

    ADD: No, not all Atheists believe in evolution. It is a scientific theory, and that means that there are people who disagree with it.

    You have the right to disagree with evolution. Please, do not get confused by about a non-argument though: if you disagree with evolution then you are disagreeing with the science of it because you think you have a better explaination.

    Whether a god created the system is a different question.

  7. Atheism is only the belief in no god. After that it's whatever we want varying from person to person.

  8. I would guess that the majority of atheists would support evolution.

    IMO, however, this largely stems from the fact that most atheists have reached their position of atheism through rational thought: they have considered the evidence and the options, and have settled on the belief that there is no God.

    Similarly, the theory of evolution is held by modern science as valid through rational thought: the evidence has been examined, and the theory of evolution through natural selection has been settled on as the most likely explanation for the diversity of life on earth (the origin of life being a different question, of course).

    But a couple of points:

    - many scientists are religious, and the vast majority of them also accept evolution - so there is no causal link between atheism and an acceptance of evolution.

    - the "theory" part of the theory of evolution is "natural selection". Evolution itself is an observed, incontrovertible fact (witness antibiotic resistance in bacteria, the new 'flu virus each year, etc.). It is the idea that natural selection causes this evolution in nature which is theory.

  9. This is again fundamentalist Christians (the vast majority of Christians believe in scientific theories) trying to set up the straw man (something wrong you can easily disprove) that evolution is some sort of substitute religion.

    Isn't true and never has been.

  10. We are bound by scientific query

  11. Not all atheists agree on the theory of evolution as fact.

    Though most will agree that it is a much better explanation of how life ended up where it is today than 'God did it'.

  12. Science and Biological Evolution is Mankind's salvation, without it the Earth's doom would be at hand. A 2000 year old book of fables and the belief in an imaginary being will not help Man or the Earth.

  13. No, not really. Acceptance of evolution binds everyone except brainwashed, religious fundamentalists together.

    Evolution is a fact. The scientific use of the word 'theory' means, in simplest terms, a description and explanation for already verified factual evidence.

  14. "theory of evoluction"  I'm not familiar with that one.  Why do you threaten people?

  15. Oh no, you have been deluded. Atheism does not denote any understanding of science, evolution, or the big bang. Sorry it does not.

  16. Evolution is science and has nothing to do with personal belief. I'm an atheist and I know that there are several theists who understand evolution and accept it.  

  17. Atheism is the believe in no God or Gods.

    There are religions that are Atheist. Such as Buddhism.

    They do not believe in evolution. The term you are thinking of is Evolutionists.

    Sorry that just irks me a bit once in a while. Had to say it.

    See some believe in Evolution,Buddhism and so on. All Atheism is the belief that there is no God or Gods. There are so many different Atheists you cannot say Evolution is our system without changing the meaning of the word Atheism and excluding other Atheists.

  18. It's a biological mechanism and it's a fact. What do you suggest we do? Stop believing it? No one adheres to it but it is accepted as a fact due to the mass of evidence supporting it.

  19. Since when has evolution been a religion? Not all atheists think evolution happened, just as not all Christians think God made Adam and Eve from clay or whatever. The only thing atheists have that can "bind" us together is our non-belief in any deity. Simple as that, really.

  20. No, there is a group of atheists called "Raelians" who believe in creation. I'm sure there are others who hold strange beliefs but most of us do accept science.

  21. "I will report you"sigh,another one I will block so as to be reminded they are reporters.Have a great life

  22. Far from all atheists believe the theory of evolution. Most believe the fact of evolution, but very few have studied the theory of how it occurs. Even fewer actually care.

  23. We all believe in evolution in the same way as we all believe in gravity.

    If you are working to wards saying that evolution is a religion,then forget it.It isn't.

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