
Doesn't walmart sell seeds to grow your own vegetables or fruit?i want to try to grow bananas?

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Doesn't walmart sell seeds to grow your own vegetables or fruit?i want to try to grow bananas?




  1. The bananas you eat don't use seeds they remove shoots or pups at the base of the mother plant. You can get seeds and seedlings on eBay for dwarf varieties with colorful flowers but inedible fruit.  RScott

  2. Gosh, William, you'd have to live in a tropical climate to grow bananas. There are a few vegetables you can grow through the fall, depending on where you live. Get some advice.

  3. yes in fact it does but I never seen what ur tryng to grow in the selection.

  4. I have some banana trees. I do not live in a tropical climate, I live near the Mississippi River in the upper midwest.  

    You grow them from trees.  The trees shoot up new trees when they are about two years old.  You can separate the new baby trees from the roots of the bigger trees to grow separately.  They do not have seeds.

    We take our banana trees outside in April where we plant them in sand and full sun.  At about age five, they will drop a long rope with a beautifully sweet-smelling flower on the end of it.  Small four inch bananas then form on the top of the plant that grow upward not down like you see them in the stores. After having bananas the big tree dies.  By that time it is about ten feet tall or more.

    Each fall in mid October, we dig up each tree, cut off all the leaves and wrap the roots in a garbage bag then haul them to the basement.  They winter there where we dribble water on each rootball about three times during the winter.  In spring we take them back out where they sprout new leaves and grow.

    I accidentally killed some of them last year by fertilizing them.  So just for reference, do not fertilize.  Just let them grow.  They are sturdy, hardy plants.  And when you get rewarded with a flowering tree you feel wonderful. Their scent is beautiful.

  5. I hope you live in a very mild climate (Coastal Southern California, Costa Rica, Hawaii?) There's a reason you don't see alot Banana farms around here. Also, you won't be finding any banana's at Walmart!

    Plant some tomatoes and some summer squash.

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