
Doesn't water waste bother you?

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I'm in Orlando, Fl. It's been raining literally for 8 hours straight, very hard. It's coming into our raining season, and with all the talk of drought and not enough water, it makes me happy to bust out my umbrella. Well, it finally quit raining about 30 minutes ago, and now I just heard the sprinkler system come on. UGH!

I live in a townhouse, and the association controls the sprinklers. They are on a timer, and I have no control over them. It just irks me that it's rained all day, and they are still wasting water. I'm about to call them up and tell them that if they are too lazy to turn off the sprinklers on a rainy day, give me a key to the box and I'll do it!

I know they won't though. Does it ever bother you as much as it bothers me?




  1. ifcourse

  2. Yes! That would bother me to such an extent, I'd hate it!

    Call them. But talk nicely. :P

  3. Here in MN it is the ethanol plants using 5 gals. of fresh water for each gallon of ethanol.

    Certainly not an environmentally friendly fuel anybody that says otherwise has been drinking it rather than burning it.

    Yet another kneejerk solution that hurts more than it helps.

  4. It's not GREED, but it is the bottom line.  Remember that it is a business, not a charity.  Businesses have operating costs, which eat into the net profits and impact the cost of service [rent prices in this case].

    You know what, they just might take you up on that if you approached it right.  Sprinklers cost them money, that annoys them.  It needlessly uses water[I wouldn't call it wasting], which annoys you.  If one of my tenants approached me to be an on-site water monitor [for free of course], I would certainly consider it.  You both would win......

  5. oh my gosh yes it is so ******* annoying how some people just DONT care

  6. tell them that you do not pay condo fees for wastefulness and attend the condo association meeting....honestly, civilization bothers me.....EVERYTHING is wasteful no matter what you do or how you look at it

  7. Yes it does, especially if I have to pay the bill.  There are sensors that monitor water content of the soil to control whether the irrigation is turned on or not.  If cities required them on housing properties it would save a lot of water and money in the long run.  The problem is the landlords are corporations that don't care about anything but the bottom line for them,--Greed!   BTW--God bless

  8. Water is the number one thing we cant live with, its in our food, it keeps us clean, it cleans our system, we drink it and it basically keeps us from dieing. I preserve my water.

  9. Yes, it does.

    Water is actually scarce. Within the next decade, the Ice burgs are expected to melt.

    Once the ice burg and the sea dry out, where do we go for pure water? It's matter of time before it becomes rare.

    It's scary, but the truth.

  10. People who refuse to cut water use and instead guzzle water by doing things such as running sprinklers during the day or hosing driveways should be forced to pay more for water and all new buildings should be forced to adopt water-efficiency measures such as waterless urinals, dual-flush toilets, triple A-rated shower heads and rainwater tanks to remove people's choice about using water as we are facing unprecedented demand for water, with people using more, while rivers face ecological disaster unless more water is returned to them we as consumers must take more responsibility for easing water shortage.

  11. i dont really care for it....

  12. I think that the only way to deal with people like this is to bring into light how much money they are wasting.  Unfortunately, when dealing with a resource that is as abundant in your area as water people fail to realize that it is wrong.  Take every golf course in Florida that is on that same timing system and look at the waste being generated on the state level.  It is sickening.  The worst part is that you and I pay for their waste.  They subsidize that wasted water consumption.  They pay a fraction of the cost for using millions times more water than the average home-owner who pays more for the same gallon of water to help balance out their costs.  Yes, it pisses me off too!  Check out the book "Cadillac Desert" if you want to see waste water on a national level.  If you don't have good nerves, you may not want to read into this book.

  13. I'm very careful about my water usage, but in defense of your townhouse association they probably use reclaimed water (like from a pond or lake on the property.)  I know that most places like that do (mine does and I live just south of you in Tampa).   You might want to check with your townhouse association to make sure.

    It's good your keeping an eye out for wastefulness.  I wish everyone would do the same, then water shortage wouldn't be a problem!

  14. Yes. I would rather wash, cook, or bathe with water instead of using it to water grass.

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