
Doesn't winning the Silver Medal mean that you were the first LOSER?

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Doesn't winning the Silver Medal mean that you were the first LOSER?




  1. How about you train enough in something and get to the Olympics and tell us what you think about this if you ever get a medal, mkay?

  2. Silver medal means you are not the best!

  3. It means you are second only to the gold medalist - so you are second-best in the entire world. Are you second best in the world at anything other than wishing you were?

  4. No hahaha.. i like the second position like this. You see.. its hard to be the 2nd. You  have to carefully calculate the amount of time divided by your power and ability..not too low not too high ...its a complicate stage and situation ..phew..they are so genius

  5. No way, hahaha. If that were the case, there wouldn't be such a thing as a silver medal. Some people think gold is all that counts, but those people typically are insecure and have unhealthy attitudes about hard work and competition.

  6. no the silver medalist means they are the second best in the world.....and the bronze medalist means they are the third best in the world....silver medal doesnt mean first loser fourth would be considered the first loser (but im not gonna judge cuz at least they are good enough to compete in the olympics)  

  7. this is a Seinfeld routine, something like:

    "I think I have a problem with that silver medal. With the gold happy, and with the bronze, at least you won something. With the silver, it's like, congratulations, you almost won. Out of all of the losers, you came in first in that group. You're the number one loser."

  8. Yes, of course. Second is first of the losers.

  9. Do YOU have a silver medal? You're the loser.

  10. Not in anyway are u a loser for winning silver. It just means that you are not good enough to win the whole thing.

  11. No, it means that you are better than 6,835,915,119 people in what you do. (the entire world population - 1)

  12. "if you're not first... you're LAST." -anchorman. haha.  

  13. I think it means, Hey you were almost there =D

  14. no it means ur in 2nd. wining the bronze just means u lost btu in ur case i gueess means loser

  15. No, coming in 4th makes you the first loser.  The top 3 are all considered winners.

  16. No

  17. 2nd place means 1st place loser cause there is onyl 1 winner

  18. let me guess, you're american ??

  19. I think making it to the Olympics is winning. These people train like crazy and just being on that type of stage is amazing. These people are the best in the world. Getting the silver medal means you are the second best out of every person in every country.

  20. You try winning one, hotshot.

  21. Or the second winner...Fourth is the first loser.

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