
Doesnt-Care Dad. A father that doesnt help the enviroment

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Hi Guys

I strongly believe in reducing Climate Change and helping the enviroment, wheras, my dad doesnt.

Whenever he goes to the shops he never brings Green Bags, even though we have about 10 at out house.

What should I do to convice him to be helping the enviroment?




  1. Real tough men dont really care. They want big trucks, bigger boats, bigger everything. Even if it hurts the enviorment. Thats the way real men are, they dont care. You cant change that, you cant make your dad a sissy tree huger. Real Men arent like that.

  2. I have the same exact problem with my dad. What i do is to leave the green bags in his car so that whenever he needs them, they're always with him. Just make it easy for him to adjust. Over time he will come around.

  3. Leave him the h**l alone and stop pushing your ideas on him. He obviously doesn't want to do it, so don't try to brainwash him like so many others have been.

  4. I consider myself pretty green, but the my husband and son don't really care. I have to make everything easy for them or they won't do it. If you can show him things he can do that can save him money, you might get a better response. We can only control our own actions. Hopefully in time he'll see it is important to you and put more of an effort.

  5. same with my dad i cant even get him recyclee

    what i do is do it my self i turn of the lights and recyclee so he does not have to and i help the envierment

  6. its not "him" you need to convince - its the worlds governments :-)

  7. You can encourage and lead by example but unless he is willing to change, you can't really "convince" or force him to do anything.

  8. idk;...

    answer me?

  9. u should probably have a talk with your dad and tell him how strongly you feel about it.

    if he doesnt take your beleifs seriously, then dont take his serious either.

  10. Your dad is old enough to remember all of the doom and gloom environmentalists have spewed throughout the decades.  Lets just assume that global warming is a real threat, then what we have is a case of environmentalists crying "wolf".

  11. Your Dad is smart enough to know that a few plastic bags are not going to make a dimes worth of difference. Why don't you start by doing some green things to save him some money like shutting off the lights and turing down your boom box.

  12. Isn't there onething that he does right?

    Peole tend to criticize their parents, when parents are so stresse dout just trying to provide.

    Anytime you want something done ifferently, praise anything you can that's already happening.

    Put the green bags in the car for him. Go with hi,m.

    Be there.


    Don't jsut make demands; he's already a busy parent, which you can't know about just yet.

    Praise what you can, be grateful, and do your best to make your own dreams come true.

    Make it easier.

    Helps with jobs, too.

    You want something done?

    Take the lead.

    Take the burden onto yourself, and you'll get more cooperation.

  13. A lot of people can't remember to bring those bags so you can at least collect the plastic ones he brings home and make sure they get back to the store for recycling.

  14. You could help by making sure the bags are in the car.  Sometimes we parents are just plain forgetful.

  15. if he doesnt respect your thoughts of keepin the earth around dont follow the rules.. or go shopiing with him

  16. I dont know how old you are, but you sound like a young skull full of mush that has been indoctrinated by our education system.  Dont acuse your Dad of not caring, maybe you need to ask and listen to him with his life experience.

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