
Doesnt Michelle Obama know anything about leadership?

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Thats why Laura Bush defended her comments last year, she wasn't stating support for the Obamas she was just trying to help everyone do the best they could?




  1. What are you referring to? Mrs. Obama will be a wonderful role model.

  2. Michelle Obama has lots to learn as a politicians wife.  There are too many flaws that this family faces as they are placed in the spotlight all the time.  The flaws are natural; but its the way they correct or excuse their supporters, their behavior, etc as the public scrutinizes.

    They don't have savvy, they are defending themselves constantly, and Barrack cannot seem to pull himself "out from quicksand" fast enough when a new personal issue comes out.  I don't want a politician in our main office who cannot swim because he is sinking all the time.  I haven't heard solid committments on foreign policy, what needs to be done about the US economy, and where he will take the US into the future.   The dems placed a total inexperienced goof-ball as their front runner to create a real US circus.  This is not what the US needs right now, we need a tough, honorable, and no-nonsense leader.  Obama doesn't have these types of qualities.


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