
Doesnt anyone eat in Niagara Falls?

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I live in Niagara falls, i know we eat, but no one was posting so i did




  1. yea my cos does!

  2. What do u think that in Niagara Falls people are starving and dont eat? plz learn how to ask a question before posting it

  3. How can you eat with all that water crashing on your head?

  4. Geoffrey's right. I tried to eat once in Niagara Falls and almost drowned. Won't be doing that again!!

    Seriously... yes - I'm sure some people ALSO stop by the falls to get something to eat. Besides - there are quite a few hotels near by. I'm sure their eating sometime. But a lot of people [like myself - the one and only time I saw the falls] just go TO see the falls and then go back to wherever they came from. I didn't eat anything when I was there. Craig!! :o)

  5. no

  6. Me no :: Australia just a bit far for take-away

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