
Doesnt content mean being happy?

by  |  earlier

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Like if someone were to say they think ur being pretty content about thing,it does mean ur being happy about them?




  1. I think in the context of that statement. Being content with a situation means you are neither happy or unhappy just okay with how things are.

  2. It could be the line between Happy and Sad.

  3. i dont know why somebody was talking about secrets.


    con·tent [ kən tént ]



    1. quietly satisfied and happy: reasonably happy and satisfied with the way things are

    2. ready to accept something: willing to accept a situation or comply with a proposed course of action

  4. contentness is a level of happiness. it's not pure joy, but it's not quite passive acceptance either.

  5. In a way, yes...

  6. Contentment brings happiness . . .being content means you are happy with the way your life is. . .not just "happy"

  7. Not necessarily happiness, but satisfaction.

  8. Yahh, basically.

  9. yep content=happy

  10. Not necessarily.

  11. their is a difference between being contended(satisfied) and happy...happiness doesn't mean content in ne terms...a person can be happy but still dissatisfied...still in search ov more...

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