
Doesnt madonna look wonderful for her age. you would never think she is almost 60 would you?

by  |  earlier

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seriously, a girlfriend of mine is 49, and looks about 35 - absolutely wonderful, youthful and beautiful. Madonne is ONE year older, and while i really like her as a singer and personality, why are the press going on about how young she looks - i think she looks like a fairly well-toned 60 year old. waht do you think?




  1. wow i thought she was in her mid 30's. she looks great

  2. Yeah she looks great for a 49 YEAR OLD!

  3. shes 50 not 60

  4. she is 50 and yes she does look good for her age. It probably has a lot to do with the amount of money she has too

  5. erm, she's a decade off 60 - you are actually saying she looks older than she is, therefore contradicting yourself.

    I think she's trying too hard to hang on to her youth, and needs to tone down her dance routines, outfits for stage, videos etc .

  6. ummmmmmmmmm............. no dah itz called plastic surgery!!

  7. She has only just turned 50. And yes she looks great for her age, I don't know many 50 year old woman who have bodies like that.

  8. Madonna is 49.

  9. (She's 50 btw) I think she looks ok, but she seems to have this thing with flashing her crutch at everyone, and she tries to hard to be s**y. I mean look at her album cover, ergh. (Hard Candy this is). I think she should act with a little more grace if you see what I mean, flash enough but not too much.

  10. duuhh!!!!

  11. She has just turned 50 actually. So she is not almost 60. But I think she looks great, but.. Enough is enough.  

  12. She was 50 2 weeks ago - sorry to break it to you.  

  13. hahaha! you made me laugh!

    60! lol.

    like a granny!  

  14. lol

    Yep, I agree. She isn't much to look at, but with the money she's got she's got no excuse to not look fit.

    Seems people just don't read the entire question these days.

    Far more serving women who look great for there age.


  15. In my opinion, 50 isn't 'amost 60', but ok. I think that she obviously puts effort into looking good so i guess that's a good thing, but really I think she looks like mutton dressed as lamb and needs to have some dignity, dress for her age- even if people think she doesn't look it.

  16. I presume your being funny ha ha about the age thing.  She does look good but 3 hours in the gym everyday and anyone could look that good. Her arms are not nice but the rest looks good.

  17. Actually no. I think she looks rather like a man. A woman should have more curves. Why can't she just age naturally and gracefully? And she should stay away from those surgeon knives. Have you seen her "newest" face lately? Yikes!!!

  18. No i think she looks 50, shes aged so badly, and have you seen her arms all veins popping out.. yuck, i think shes ugly no offence


  19. 60? I thought the old plumper was touching 70 by now!

  20. funny shes not 60 she just turned 50 on the 16 aug LOL

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