
Doesnt this p**s you off????

by  |  earlier

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why are bikers alowed on the road and not the sidewalk? Im guessing it has to do with pedestrians but i dont know how many times iv had to drive at least 10 miles an hour under the speed limit because i couldnt pass them.




  1. yes and I've always wondered why they want small kids riding in traffic, even if they hit someone on the sidewalk it would not result in a fatal

  2. I agree 100%.  Many places have bike lanes. I have a problem though with bikers being on the streets in heavy traffic and slowing people down. If they can't do the speed limit they don't belong on the road!

  3. Well, In case you didn't know bikers used to ride on the sidwalk, on the road, and wherever else they saw fit to take their bikes...obviously this caused a lot of problems, and now bikes are a standard way of transport for lots of people in urban areas. So the need to put them somewhere within traffic law became neccessary, imagine all those bikers on sidewalks causing havoc with everyday paedestrians. Heaven forbid you had to slow down for someone, I'm sure that is a real inconvienience not like a traffic jam or anything else. Maybe you should step out of your car once in a while and walk down a sidewalk full of bikers, and tell us what's a better choice?

  4. I live in Portland OR, the city of bikes.  I hate them so much.  There are so many laws that protect than and inconvenience drivers and they take full advantage of it.

  5. Yeah it is kinda frustrating but hey its life you know? but its ok because everyone deals with it right?

  6. Kinda

    I know it's hard to pass them, but I do understand that they try to keep people on bikes from hitting pedestrians. But I still think it's more dangerous for the biker to be with faster, heavy cars. They need to make more bike lanes....

  7. I agree with you 100 percent and here are some of the things that they do wrong.

    1. They do not follow the traffic laws for vehicles when operating a bicycle. Instead,

        a) they may use the traffic laws for pedestrians and thus ride on the sidewalks or the wrong way on the streets,

        b) they may follow the traffic code for vehicles part of the time but not all of the time,

        c) they may adopt a policy of hiding from motor vehicles rather than riding in the traffic lanes,

        d) they may be guerrilla cyclists deliberately breaking the law,

        e) or they just might not think about how they are behaving.

    2. They don't have lights mounted on their bikes when riding at night.

    3. They ride along in the gutter or weave in and out between cars.

    4. They don't pay attention to nearby vehicles.

    5. They haven't learned how to control their bicycles effectively.

    6. They panic when motor vehicles approach.

    7. They don't keep the bike in sound mechanical condition.

    8. They ride when too tired (or even drunk) to do so safely.

  8. It is an aggravation at times I agree but then the law is to be obeyed ; many bikers abuse this privilege though . ( After all they do not need to be somewhere on time do they and if they did they would drive a car ! )


  9. i get mad too haha

  10. Yea - it is pretty annoying especially when they bike in near the middle of the lane. They know you are there but they don't seem to care... Some are pretty nice about it and they wave you forward... I guess it just depends. =)

  11. A bicycle is a legal mode of transportation.  Thats why they are allowed on the streets.  Remember, it's a speed limit, not a speed minimum.  If the cyclist is experienced, he will ride the white line on the side or to the right of it.  Many do use bikes to commute.  It's cheap!  but hey if they're in the middle of the street dudes and dudettes..they're fair game!

  12. Wahhhhhhhhh..........

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