
Dog, Turtle , bird any other suggestions?

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I love animals and i have a rabbit and a cat at the moment but i want another pet, any recommendations?




  1. turtle!!!!!!!!!

  2. I have a Gerbil (named Sampson),  My sister has hermit crabs(i forgot the names), a leopard gecko (named Cookie), another gerbil(named Twitchy), and my family has a cat and dog.

    Now if you were planning on getting a hamster, i must warn you(i previously had one):  They are cute, but they are lazier then EVER!!  But gerbils are like a hamster, except they have a tail and are a lot more energetic and active (remember they are active at night).

    A leopard Gecko is really  cool to own, because he is slow, so it's easy to pick him up, and he will crawl around slowly on your hand.

    Fish are interesting, because if you are bored you can just watch them and feed them.

    Oh yeah, I gotta warn you about getting a bird:  They squeal really loud, they p**p alot, but they are cool to train.

    A dog is obviously the BEST pet you could ever have, you can cuddle, play, feed, and walk them.  But it will be hard to find the right dog if you have a cat in your house.  I have a small dog called a Shih Tzu, a chinese breed (or maybe Japanese, i forgot :S) named Gracie, and she has lived up to her name, she's the greatest dog i've ever had among the few.  Big dogs like a golden retriever you can sleep with, and they can provide lots of warmth.  They are also protective.

    A turtle is REALLY REALLY cool!  They are relaxing to watch, and fun to play with, because they crawl away.

    I hope i helped

  3. A dog is definitely the way to go. Dogs are amazing. They are friendly, loyal, energetic and fun (of course this depends on what kind of dog you have). When I was younger I had cats. My brother would tell me "why are you getting a cat instead of a dog?". I would just tell him to shut up because I wanted a cat.

    Later on I started spending some more time with dogs and then that is all I ever wanted. Since the 5th grade I have been asking my dad for a dog. Finally, halfway through my 12th year he agrees. I now have an adorable, chubby, energetic dog named Jellybean who I rescued from the shelter. She moves when I move and sleeps when I sleep. She also sleeps right next to me on the bed. She is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Having a dog at home is awesome because they love you more than your own family does ha ha. When I get home from my school my dog gives a greeting like she hasn't seen me for years! She is just so happy to see you. Dogs are the best. I can't ask for anything more.

    Of course a dog is a bigger responsibility than both a rabbit and a cat. Dogs need exercise and need to be walked daily. It would help if you have a yard that they can run around in. Also, if you get a puppy it will need training. You could do that yourself or you could get a trainer. Just remember that if you want to get a dog you have to be up for whatever comes your way. It will all be worth it though!

  4. I would not suggest a fish because they really don't do anything for you. For example if you want a pet to play with, this is not the one for you (unless you're a really, really, REALLY small midget XD).

    If you like to run, try getting a dog. Most of them are really playful and fun to be around. If you're more laid-back but still want to cuddle up with something, try getting a small kitten. You never want to get a pet when it's older, though, because then it's REALLY hard to train it the way you want it to. Do not ever adopt a pet from a friend, etc. if they are not trained breeders, because that could lead to some problems.

    Birds are also fun to watch, and especially if you like singing. I would reccommend the breed "canary" because they have AMAZING voices.

    Note that only the male birds can sing--the females "chirp".

    Hamsters and guinea pigs are cute and fun, but do not let them out of their cages unless they're in those balls that they can run around in. Otherwise they can be really hard to find and they can get hurt EASILY.

    Note that guinea pigs and hamsters do bite, and I would reccommend wearing some type of a thick glove when playing with them until they are older and more mature. Guinea pigs are also bigger and harder to take care of. If you want a hamster but they're too "big" for you, get a Cinnamon Dwarf Hamster. They're sooooo cute and can fit in the palms of most peoples' hands.

    I hope this helped, and good luck on finding your perfect pet!!! :]

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