
Dog's nail fell completely off! please help?

by  |  earlier

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I'm babysitting my neighbor's old dog, and he's hard of hearing so i had to go upstairs to get him and when we got to the bottom of the stairs i accedently tripped over him. Next thing i know, his paw is bleeding and his ENTIRE nail is laying on the floor. I took him outside and whipped up the blood trail he left behind(there was just droplets of it) and then whipped off his paw and let him stay outside until it appeared to stop bleeding so it didnt get all over the rest of the house. I just left from there, and when i left he seemed fine and was just l*****g his paw although he didnt seem to be in too much pain. Is there anything else i should do that i havent already done? Has this ever happened to your dog? When i looked at the broken nail i could see where it was attached to his paw, and the nail was sort of split, if that helps at all.

thanks so much!




  1. you need to bring the dog to the vet, since his nail is gone, he really needs to go to the vet because anything could start the nail bed to start bleeding again and the dog could bleed to death...

    and believe me, the dog was probably in more pain than you relize! dogs usually don't show that they are in pain because they don't want to appear weak...

    so bring him to the vet ASAP!!!!!!

  2. Lucky it stopped bleeding. Dog's have major veins in their nails and they can bleed to death. You can put corn starch on it if it starts bleeding again. I wouldn't bandage it because you want to air to keep it dried out. It should be fine otherwise.

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