
Dog's nail fell off, what should i do?

by Guest57528  |  earlier

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Today i tripped over my ten year old lab, and her nail completly fell off. It was bleeding slightly (little drops of blood as she walked). Once i picked up the nail, however i noticed it was completely hollow! Then when i looked at her paw there was a thin clear nail looking thing where i think the old nail was. Was that the inside of the nail? She has appeared to stop bleeding, and isnt acting like shes in much pain. Anybody have any idea on what else i should do? Was the clear nail looking thing, the inside of the hard black nail?

thanks to anybody who answers!




  1. you can put peroxide on it to make sure it doesn't get infected.  Just keep an eye on it.  If it appears to be getting worse take her to the vet asap.

  2. try not to let her walk very much and let her rest her foot so it doesn't get infected.  if is does than bring her to the vet.  the protection of the nail should grow back quickly.  it is nothing to worry about to much

  3. WEll, you should watch it for a few days, and if it gets to look bad, go to a vet. dont let her walk too much.

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