
Dog DNA Testing, have you tried it?

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I have a lab mix, or I think she's a lab mix. We're not sure what she really is or how old she really is, but recently I've been thinking of getting her DNA tested for her ancestry. I love her and I want to know more about her, because I think it would really help me understand her behaviors, some of her physical qualities, and know what illnesses to look for when she gets older.

I just want to know has anyone tried doing this on their own dog? From what it looks like, it seems so simple; swab the mouth, send it in, and get the results.

Logan really looks like a lab, but she has a wire coat and she's so tiny, sometimes barely tipping 40 pounds. She's a great dog and I don't know if finding her other breeds would make me think differently of her.

If you have any guesses, let me know:




  1. DNA tests are that easy and can be done on any dog. They are a lot of fun, but dont bank on the results being correct. I have read a few results of other peoples dogs and the list usually comes back with a whole bunch of different breeds. Many of which are rare, obscure, or not normally found in that region. I've seen results for a 35 pound dog that said it was a chihuahua miniature pinser mix. I would go for it anyways, I'm half tempted to send in my purebreds DNA just for a laugh.

    Oh and my guess for your pup is lab beagle. She does look mostly lab, but I could see a little hound in her face and it may account for her smaller size

  2. I haven't used the DNA test for any of my dogs, but Bindi recently took part in their mapping of the Belgian Malinois genes.

    It is as simple as a swab in the cheeck. They'll send you 3 swabs, you have to use all 3, and full directions.

    It doesn't hurt the dog, in fact Bindi seemed to enjoy it.  

  3. I breed bloodhounds and one day I found one who was lost that looked just like one of Sadie's puppies so I had a DNA test and what do you know? Mother and daughter reunited! Twizzler and Sadie mother and daughter, I'm keeping her for now, she has good bloodlines and like her dad she's got a good sniffer.

  4. I'm not sure they would DNA testing for ordinary dogs ... generally this is only done with pedigrees ..... but really do you have to be exact in her origin?  Itsn't she loveable for herself?  If you want to take an educated guess at her breeding then look up different dogs and see what she has in common with other breeds .... as for her old age - take that as it comes - whether it's a breed thing or not - it won't change the fact your dog is your dog and she loves you and you love her ... end of story..  Enjoy her as much as you can - that's all that matters.....

    PS she's a gorgeous dog .... looks like she's a lot of fun ....what breed is she? - Just Logan's!

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